Class: Aws::BCMDataExports::Client

Seahorse::Client::Base show all
Defined in:


An API client for BCMDataExports. To construct a client, you need to configure a :region and :credentials.

client =
  region: region_name,
  credentials: credentials,
  # ...

For details on configuring region and credentials see the developer guide.

See #initialize for a full list of supported configuration options.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base

#config, #handlers

API Operations collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from ClientStubs

#api_requests, #stub_data, #stub_responses

Methods inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base

add_plugin, api, clear_plugins, define, new, #operation_names, plugins, remove_plugin, set_api, set_plugins

Methods included from Seahorse::Client::HandlerBuilder

#handle, #handle_request, #handle_response

Constructor Details

#initialize(options) ⇒ Client

Returns a new instance of Client.


  • options (Hash)

Options Hash (options):

  • :plugins (Array<Seahorse::Client::Plugin>) — default: []]

    A list of plugins to apply to the client. Each plugin is either a class name or an instance of a plugin class.

  • :credentials (required, Aws::CredentialProvider)

    Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the following classes:

    • Aws::Credentials - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing credentials.

    • Aws::SharedCredentials - Used for loading static credentials from a shared file, such as ~/.aws/config.

    • Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials - Used when you need to assume a role.

    • Aws::AssumeRoleWebIdentityCredentials - Used when you need to assume a role after providing credentials via the web.

    • Aws::SSOCredentials - Used for loading credentials from AWS SSO using an access token generated from aws login.

    • Aws::ProcessCredentials - Used for loading credentials from a process that outputs to stdout.

    • Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials - Used for loading credentials from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance.

    • Aws::ECSCredentials - Used for loading credentials from instances running in ECS.

    • Aws::CognitoIdentityCredentials - Used for loading credentials from the Cognito Identity service.

    When :credentials are not configured directly, the following locations will be searched for credentials:

    • Aws.config[:credentials]
    • The :access_key_id, :secret_access_key, :session_token, and :account_id options.
    • ~/.aws/credentials
    • ~/.aws/config
    • EC2/ECS IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts are very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials or Aws::ECSCredentials to enable retries and extended timeouts. Instance profile credential fetching can be disabled by setting ENV['AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED'] to true.
  • :region (required, String)

    The AWS region to connect to. The configured :region is used to determine the service :endpoint. When not passed, a default :region is searched for in the following locations:

    • Aws.config[:region]
    • ~/.aws/credentials
    • ~/.aws/config
  • :access_key_id (String)
  • :account_id (String)
  • :active_endpoint_cache (Boolean) — default: false

    When set to true, a thread polling for endpoints will be running in the background every 60 secs (default). Defaults to false.

  • :adaptive_retry_wait_to_fill (Boolean) — default: true

    Used only in adaptive retry mode. When true, the request will sleep until there is sufficent client side capacity to retry the request. When false, the request will raise a RetryCapacityNotAvailableError and will not retry instead of sleeping.

  • :client_side_monitoring (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, client-side metrics will be collected for all API requests from this client.

  • :client_side_monitoring_client_id (String) — default: ""

    Allows you to provide an identifier for this client which will be attached to all generated client side metrics. Defaults to an empty string.

  • :client_side_monitoring_host (String) — default: ""

    Allows you to specify the DNS hostname or IPv4 or IPv6 address that the client side monitoring agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.

  • :client_side_monitoring_port (Integer) — default: 31000

    Required for publishing client metrics. The port that the client side monitoring agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.

  • :client_side_monitoring_publisher (Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher) — default: Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher

    Allows you to provide a custom client-side monitoring publisher class. By default, will use the Client Side Monitoring Agent Publisher.

  • :convert_params (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into the required types.

  • :correct_clock_skew (Boolean) — default: true

    Used only in standard and adaptive retry modes. Specifies whether to apply a clock skew correction and retry requests with skewed client clocks.

  • :defaults_mode (String) — default: "legacy"

    See DefaultsModeConfiguration for a list of the accepted modes and the configuration defaults that are included.

  • :disable_host_prefix_injection (Boolean) — default: false

    Set to true to disable SDK automatically adding host prefix to default service endpoint when available.

  • :disable_request_compression (Boolean) — default: false

    When set to 'true' the request body will not be compressed for supported operations.

  • :endpoint (String, URI::HTTPS, URI::HTTP)

    Normally you should not configure the :endpoint option directly. This is normally constructed from the :region option. Configuring :endpoint is normally reserved for connecting to test or custom endpoints. The endpoint should be a URI formatted like:

  • :endpoint_cache_max_entries (Integer) — default: 1000

    Used for the maximum size limit of the LRU cache storing endpoints data for endpoint discovery enabled operations. Defaults to 1000.

  • :endpoint_cache_max_threads (Integer) — default: 10

    Used for the maximum threads in use for polling endpoints to be cached, defaults to 10.

  • :endpoint_cache_poll_interval (Integer) — default: 60

    When :endpoint_discovery and :active_endpoint_cache is enabled, Use this option to config the time interval in seconds for making requests fetching endpoints information. Defaults to 60 sec.

  • :endpoint_discovery (Boolean) — default: false

    When set to true, endpoint discovery will be enabled for operations when available.

  • :ignore_configured_endpoint_urls (Boolean)

    Setting to true disables use of endpoint URLs provided via environment variables and the shared configuration file.

  • :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter) — default: Aws::Log::Formatter.default

    The log formatter.

  • :log_level (Symbol) — default: :info

    The log level to send messages to the :logger at.

  • :logger (Logger)

    The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option is not set, logging will be disabled.

  • :max_attempts (Integer) — default: 3

    An integer representing the maximum number attempts that will be made for a single request, including the initial attempt. For example, setting this value to 5 will result in a request being retried up to 4 times. Used in standard and adaptive retry modes.

  • :profile (String) — default: "default"

    Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used.

  • :request_min_compression_size_bytes (Integer) — default: 10240

    The minimum size in bytes that triggers compression for request bodies. The value must be non-negative integer value between 0 and 10485780 bytes inclusive.

  • :retry_backoff (Proc)

    A proc or lambda used for backoff. Defaults to 2**retries * retry_base_delay. This option is only used in the legacy retry mode.

  • :retry_base_delay (Float) — default: 0.3

    The base delay in seconds used by the default backoff function. This option is only used in the legacy retry mode.

  • :retry_jitter (Symbol) — default: :none

    A delay randomiser function used by the default backoff function. Some predefined functions can be referenced by name - :none, :equal, :full, otherwise a Proc that takes and returns a number. This option is only used in the legacy retry mode.


  • :retry_limit (Integer) — default: 3

    The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors, auth errors, endpoint discovery, and errors from expired credentials. This option is only used in the legacy retry mode.

  • :retry_max_delay (Integer) — default: 0

    The maximum number of seconds to delay between retries (0 for no limit) used by the default backoff function. This option is only used in the legacy retry mode.

  • :retry_mode (String) — default: "legacy"

    Specifies which retry algorithm to use. Values are:

    • legacy - The pre-existing retry behavior. This is default value if no retry mode is provided.

    • standard - A standardized set of retry rules across the AWS SDKs. This includes support for retry quotas, which limit the number of unsuccessful retries a client can make.

    • adaptive - An experimental retry mode that includes all the functionality of standard mode along with automatic client side throttling. This is a provisional mode that may change behavior in the future.

  • :sdk_ua_app_id (String)

    A unique and opaque application ID that is appended to the User-Agent header as app/sdk_ua_app_id. It should have a maximum length of 50. This variable is sourced from environment variable AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID or the shared config profile attribute sdk_ua_app_id.

  • :secret_access_key (String)
  • :session_token (String)
  • :sigv4a_signing_region_set (Array)

    A list of regions that should be signed with SigV4a signing. When not passed, a default :sigv4a_signing_region_set is searched for in the following locations:

    • Aws.config[:sigv4a_signing_region_set]
    • ~/.aws/config
  • :simple_json (Boolean) — default: false

    Disables request parameter conversion, validation, and formatting. Also disables response data type conversions. The request parameters hash must be formatted exactly as the API expects.This option is useful when you want to ensure the highest level of performance by avoiding overhead of walking request parameters and response data structures.

  • :stub_responses (Boolean) — default: false

    Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify the response data to return or errors to raise by calling ClientStubs#stub_responses. See ClientStubs for more information.

    Please note When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP requests are made, and retries are disabled.

  • :telemetry_provider (Aws::Telemetry::TelemetryProviderBase) — default: Aws::Telemetry::NoOpTelemetryProvider

    Allows you to provide a telemetry provider, which is used to emit telemetry data. By default, uses NoOpTelemetryProvider which will not record or emit any telemetry data. The SDK supports the following telemetry providers:

    • OpenTelemetry (OTel) - To use the OTel provider, install and require the opentelemetry-sdk gem and then, pass in an instance of a Aws::Telemetry::OTelProvider for telemetry provider.
  • :token_provider (Aws::TokenProvider)

    A Bearer Token Provider. This can be an instance of any one of the following classes:

    • Aws::StaticTokenProvider - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing tokens.

    • Aws::SSOTokenProvider - Used for loading tokens from AWS SSO using an access token generated from aws login.

    When :token_provider is not configured directly, the Aws::TokenProviderChain will be used to search for tokens configured for your profile in shared configuration files.

  • :use_dualstack_endpoint (Boolean)

    When set to true, dualstack enabled endpoints (with .aws TLD) will be used if available.

  • :use_fips_endpoint (Boolean)

    When set to true, fips compatible endpoints will be used if available. When a fips region is used, the region is normalized and this config is set to true.

  • :validate_params (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, request parameters are validated before sending the request.

  • :endpoint_provider (Aws::BCMDataExports::EndpointProvider)

    The endpoint provider used to resolve endpoints. Any object that responds to #resolve_endpoint(parameters) where parameters is a Struct similar to Aws::BCMDataExports::EndpointParameters.

  • :http_continue_timeout (Float) — default: 1

    The number of seconds to wait for a 100-continue response before sending the request body. This option has no effect unless the request has "Expect" header set to "100-continue". Defaults to nil which disables this behaviour. This value can safely be set per request on the session.

  • :http_idle_timeout (Float) — default: 5

    The number of seconds a connection is allowed to sit idle before it is considered stale. Stale connections are closed and removed from the pool before making a request.

  • :http_open_timeout (Float) — default: 15

    The default number of seconds to wait for response data. This value can safely be set per-request on the session.

  • :http_proxy (URI::HTTP, String)

    A proxy to send requests through. Formatted like ''.

  • :http_read_timeout (Float) — default: 60

    The default number of seconds to wait for response data. This value can safely be set per-request on the session.

  • :http_wire_trace (Boolean) — default: false

    When true, HTTP debug output will be sent to the :logger.

  • :on_chunk_received (Proc)

    When a Proc object is provided, it will be used as callback when each chunk of the response body is received. It provides three arguments: the chunk, the number of bytes received, and the total number of bytes in the response (or nil if the server did not send a content-length).

  • :on_chunk_sent (Proc)

    When a Proc object is provided, it will be used as callback when each chunk of the request body is sent. It provides three arguments: the chunk, the number of bytes read from the body, and the total number of bytes in the body.

  • :raise_response_errors (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, response errors are raised.

  • :ssl_ca_bundle (String)

    Full path to the SSL certificate authority bundle file that should be used when verifying peer certificates. If you do not pass :ssl_ca_bundle or :ssl_ca_directory the the system default will be used if available.

  • :ssl_ca_directory (String)

    Full path of the directory that contains the unbundled SSL certificate authority files for verifying peer certificates. If you do not pass :ssl_ca_bundle or :ssl_ca_directory the the system default will be used if available.

  • :ssl_ca_store (String)

    Sets the X509::Store to verify peer certificate.

  • :ssl_cert (OpenSSL::X509::Certificate)

    Sets a client certificate when creating http connections.

  • :ssl_key (OpenSSL::PKey)

    Sets a client key when creating http connections.

  • :ssl_timeout (Float)

    Sets the SSL timeout in seconds

  • :ssl_verify_peer (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, SSL peer certificates are verified when establishing a connection.

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 451

def initialize(*args)

Instance Method Details

#create_export(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateExportResponse

Creates a data export and specifies the data query, the delivery preference, and any optional resource tags.

A DataQuery consists of both a QueryStatement and TableConfigurations.

The QueryStatement is an SQL statement. Data Exports only supports a limited subset of the SQL syntax. For more information on the SQL syntax that is supported, see Data query. To view the available tables and columns, see the Data Exports table dictionary.

The TableConfigurations is a collection of specified TableProperties for the table being queried in the QueryStatement. TableProperties are additional configurations you can provide to change the data and schema of a table. Each table can have different TableProperties. However, tables are not required to have any TableProperties. Each table property has a default value that it assumes if not specified. For more information on table configurations, see Data query. To view the table properties available for each table, see the Data Exports table dictionary or use the ListTables API to get a response of all tables and their available properties.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_export({
  export: { # required
    data_query: { # required
      query_statement: "QueryStatement", # required
      table_configurations: {
        "TableName" => {
          "TableProperty" => "GenericString",
    description: "GenericString",
    destination_configurations: { # required
      s3_destination: { # required
        s3_bucket: "GenericString", # required
        s3_output_configurations: { # required
          compression: "GZIP", # required, accepts GZIP, PARQUET
          format: "TEXT_OR_CSV", # required, accepts TEXT_OR_CSV, PARQUET
          output_type: "CUSTOM", # required, accepts CUSTOM
          overwrite: "CREATE_NEW_REPORT", # required, accepts CREATE_NEW_REPORT, OVERWRITE_REPORT
        s3_prefix: "GenericString", # required
        s3_region: "GenericString", # required
    export_arn: "Arn",
    name: "ExportName", # required
    refresh_cadence: { # required
      frequency: "SYNCHRONOUS", # required, accepts SYNCHRONOUS
  resource_tags: [
      key: "ResourceTagKey", # required
      value: "ResourceTagValue", # required

Response structure

resp.export_arn #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :export (required, Types::Export)

    The details of the export, including data query, name, description, and destination configuration.

  • :resource_tags (Array<Types::ResourceTag>)

    An optional list of tags to associate with the specified export. Each tag consists of a key and a value, and each key must be unique for the resource.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 546

def create_export(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:create_export, params)

#delete_export(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteExportResponse

Deletes an existing data export.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_export({
  export_arn: "Arn", # required

Response structure

resp.export_arn #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :export_arn (required, String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for this export.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 574

def delete_export(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:delete_export, params)

#get_execution(params = {}) ⇒ Types::GetExecutionResponse

Exports data based on the source data update.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_execution({
  execution_id: "GenericString", # required
  export_arn: "Arn", # required

Response structure

resp.execution_id #=> String
resp.execution_status.completed_at #=> Time
resp.execution_status.created_at #=> Time
resp.execution_status.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.execution_status.status_reason #=> String, one of "INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION", "BILL_OWNER_CHANGED", "INTERNAL_FAILURE"
resp.export.data_query.query_statement #=> String
resp.export.data_query.table_configurations #=> Hash
resp.export.data_query.table_configurations["TableName"] #=> Hash
resp.export.data_query.table_configurations["TableName"]["TableProperty"] #=> String
resp.export.description #=> String
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_bucket #=> String
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.compression #=> String, one of "GZIP", "PARQUET"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.format #=> String, one of "TEXT_OR_CSV", "PARQUET"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.output_type #=> String, one of "CUSTOM"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.overwrite #=> String, one of "CREATE_NEW_REPORT", "OVERWRITE_REPORT"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_prefix #=> String
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_region #=> String
resp.export.export_arn #=> String #=> String
resp.export.refresh_cadence.frequency #=> String, one of "SYNCHRONOUS"


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :execution_id (required, String)

    The ID for this specific execution.

  • :export_arn (required, String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Export object that generated this specific execution.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 629

def get_execution(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:get_execution, params)

#get_export(params = {}) ⇒ Types::GetExportResponse

Views the definition of an existing data export.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_export({
  export_arn: "Arn", # required

Response structure

resp.export.data_query.query_statement #=> String
resp.export.data_query.table_configurations #=> Hash
resp.export.data_query.table_configurations["TableName"] #=> Hash
resp.export.data_query.table_configurations["TableName"]["TableProperty"] #=> String
resp.export.description #=> String
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_bucket #=> String
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.compression #=> String, one of "GZIP", "PARQUET"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.format #=> String, one of "TEXT_OR_CSV", "PARQUET"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.output_type #=> String, one of "CUSTOM"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_output_configurations.overwrite #=> String, one of "CREATE_NEW_REPORT", "OVERWRITE_REPORT"
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_prefix #=> String
resp.export.destination_configurations.s3_destination.s3_region #=> String
resp.export.export_arn #=> String #=> String
resp.export.refresh_cadence.frequency #=> String, one of "SYNCHRONOUS"
resp.export_status.created_at #=> Time
resp.export_status.last_refreshed_at #=> Time
resp.export_status.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.export_status.status_code #=> String, one of "HEALTHY", "UNHEALTHY"
resp.export_status.status_reason #=> String, one of "INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION", "BILL_OWNER_CHANGED", "INTERNAL_FAILURE"


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :export_arn (required, String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for this export.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 677

def get_export(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:get_export, params)

#get_table(params = {}) ⇒ Types::GetTableResponse

Returns the metadata for the specified table and table properties. This includes the list of columns in the table schema, their data types, and column descriptions.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_table({
  table_name: "TableName", # required
  table_properties: {
    "TableProperty" => "GenericString",

Response structure

resp.description #=> String
resp.schema #=> Array
resp.schema[0].description #=> String
resp.schema[0].name #=> String
resp.schema[0].type #=> String
resp.table_name #=> String
resp.table_properties #=> Hash
resp.table_properties["TableProperty"] #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :table_name (required, String)

    The name of the table.

  • :table_properties (Hash<String,String>)

    TableProperties are additional configurations you can provide to change the data and schema of a table. Each table can have different TableProperties. Tables are not required to have any TableProperties. Each table property has a default value that it assumes if not specified.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 727

def get_table(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:get_table, params)

#list_executions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListExecutionsResponse

Lists the historical executions for the export.

The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_executions({
  export_arn: "Arn", # required
  max_results: 1,
  next_token: "NextPageToken",

Response structure

resp.executions #=> Array
resp.executions[0].execution_id #=> String
resp.executions[0].execution_status.completed_at #=> Time
resp.executions[0].execution_status.created_at #=> Time
resp.executions[0].execution_status.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.executions[0].execution_status.status_reason #=> String, one of "INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION", "BILL_OWNER_CHANGED", "INTERNAL_FAILURE"
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :export_arn (required, String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for this export.

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of objects that are returned for the request.

  • :next_token (String)

    The token to retrieve the next set of results.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 773

def list_executions(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_executions, params)

#list_exports(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListExportsResponse

Lists all data export definitions.

The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_exports({
  max_results: 1,
  next_token: "NextPageToken",

Response structure

resp.exports #=> Array
resp.exports[0].export_arn #=> String
resp.exports[0].export_name #=> String
resp.exports[0].export_status.created_at #=> Time
resp.exports[0].export_status.last_refreshed_at #=> Time
resp.exports[0].export_status.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.exports[0].export_status.status_code #=> String, one of "HEALTHY", "UNHEALTHY"
resp.exports[0].export_status.status_reason #=> String, one of "INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION", "BILL_OWNER_CHANGED", "INTERNAL_FAILURE"
resp.next_token #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of objects that are returned for the request.

  • :next_token (String)

    The token to retrieve the next set of results.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 816

def list_exports(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_exports, params)

#list_tables(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTablesResponse

Lists all available tables in data exports.

The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_tables({
  max_results: 1,
  next_token: "NextPageToken",

Response structure

resp.next_token #=> String
resp.tables #=> Array
resp.tables[0].description #=> String
resp.tables[0].table_name #=> String
resp.tables[0].table_properties #=> Array
resp.tables[0].table_properties[0].default_value #=> String
resp.tables[0].table_properties[0].description #=> String
resp.tables[0].table_properties[0].name #=> String
resp.tables[0].table_properties[0].valid_values #=> Array
resp.tables[0].table_properties[0].valid_values[0] #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of objects that are returned for the request.

  • :next_token (String)

    The token to retrieve the next set of results.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 860

def list_tables(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_tables, params)

#list_tags_for_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse

List tags associated with an existing data export.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_tags_for_resource({
  max_results: 1,
  next_token: "NextPageToken",
  resource_arn: "Arn", # required

Response structure

resp.next_token #=> String
resp.resource_tags #=> Array
resp.resource_tags[0].key #=> String
resp.resource_tags[0].value #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :max_results (Integer)

    The maximum number of objects that are returned for the request.

  • :next_token (String)

    The token to retrieve the next set of results.

  • :resource_arn (required, String)

    The unique identifier for the resource.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 900

def list_tags_for_resource(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:list_tags_for_resource, params)

#tag_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct

Adds tags for an existing data export definition.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.tag_resource({
  resource_arn: "Arn", # required
  resource_tags: [ # required
      key: "ResourceTagKey", # required
      value: "ResourceTagValue", # required


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :resource_arn (required, String)

    The unique identifier for the resource.

  • :resource_tags (required, Array<Types::ResourceTag>)

    The tags to associate with the resource. Each tag consists of a key and a value, and each key must be unique for the resource.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 932

def tag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:tag_resource, params)

#untag_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deletes tags associated with an existing data export definition.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.untag_resource({
  resource_arn: "Arn", # required
  resource_tag_keys: ["ResourceTagKey"], # required


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :resource_arn (required, String)

    The unique identifier for the resource.

  • :resource_tag_keys (required, Array<String>)

    The tag keys that are associated with the resource ARN.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 958

def untag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:untag_resource, params)

#update_export(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateExportResponse

Updates an existing data export by overwriting all export parameters. All export parameters must be provided in the UpdateExport request.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.update_export({
  export: { # required
    data_query: { # required
      query_statement: "QueryStatement", # required
      table_configurations: {
        "TableName" => {
          "TableProperty" => "GenericString",
    description: "GenericString",
    destination_configurations: { # required
      s3_destination: { # required
        s3_bucket: "GenericString", # required
        s3_output_configurations: { # required
          compression: "GZIP", # required, accepts GZIP, PARQUET
          format: "TEXT_OR_CSV", # required, accepts TEXT_OR_CSV, PARQUET
          output_type: "CUSTOM", # required, accepts CUSTOM
          overwrite: "CREATE_NEW_REPORT", # required, accepts CREATE_NEW_REPORT, OVERWRITE_REPORT
        s3_prefix: "GenericString", # required
        s3_region: "GenericString", # required
    export_arn: "Arn",
    name: "ExportName", # required
    refresh_cadence: { # required
      frequency: "SYNCHRONOUS", # required, accepts SYNCHRONOUS
  export_arn: "Arn", # required

Response structure

resp.export_arn #=> String


  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})


Options Hash (params):

  • :export (required, Types::Export)

    The name and query details for the export.

  • :export_arn (required, String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for this export.


See Also:

# File 'gems/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/lib/aws-sdk-bcmdataexports/client.rb', line 1019

def update_export(params = {}, options = {})
  req = build_request(:update_export, params)