This page is only for existing customers of the S3 Glacier service using Vaults and the original REST API from 2012.
If you're looking for archival storage solutions we suggest using the S3 Glacier storage classes in Amazon S3, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. To learn more about these storage options, see S3 Glacier storage classes
Initiate Job (POST jobs)
This operation initiates the following types of Amazon S3 Glacier (S3 Glacier) jobs:
— Retrieve an archive -
— Inventory a vault
Initializing an Archive or Vault
Inventory Retrieval Job
Retrieving an archive or a vault inventory are asynchronous operations that require you to initiate a job. Once started, job cannot be cancelled. Retrieval is a two-step process:
Initiate a retrieval job by using the Initiate Job (POST jobs) operation.
A data retrieval policy can cause your initiate retrieval job request to fail with a
. For more information about data retrieval policies, see S3 Glacier Data Retrieval Policies. For more information about thePolicyEnforcedException
exception, see Error Responses. -
After the job completes, download the bytes using the Get Job Output (GET output) operation.
The retrieval request is ran asynchronously. When you initiate a retrieval job, S3 Glacier creates a job and returns a job ID in the response. When S3 Glacier completes the job, you can get the job output (archive or inventory data). For information about getting job output, see the Get Job Output (GET output) operation.
The job must complete before you can get its output. To determine when a job is complete, you have the following options:
Use an Amazon SNS notification— You can specify an Amazon SNS topic to which S3 Glacier can post a notification after the job is completed. You can specify an SNS topic per job request. The notification is sent only after S3 Glacier completes the job. In addition to specifying an SNS topic per job request, you can configure vault notifications for a vault so that job notifications are sent for all retrievals. For more information, see Set Vault Notification Configuration (PUT notification-configuration).
Get job details— You can make a Describe Job (GET JobID) request to obtain job status information while a job is in progress. However, it is more efficient to use an Amazon SNS notification to determine when a job is complete.
The information you get via notification is same that you get by calling Describe Job (GET JobID).
If for a specific event, you add both the notification configuration on the vault and also specify an SNS topic in your initiate job request, S3 Glacier sends both notifications. For more information, see Set Vault Notification Configuration (PUT notification-configuration).
The Vault Inventory
S3 Glacier updates a vault inventory approximately once a day, starting on the day you first upload an archive to the vault. If there have been no archive additions or deletions to the vault since the last inventory, the inventory date is not updated. When you initiate a job for a vault inventory, S3 Glacier returns the last inventory it generated, which is a point-in-time snapshot and not real-time data.
After S3 Glacier creates the first inventory for the vault, it typically takes half a day and up to a day before that inventory is available for retrieval.
You might not find it useful to retrieve a vault inventory for each archive upload. However, suppose that you maintain a database on the client-side associating metadata about the archives you upload to S3 Glacier. Then, you might find the vault inventory useful to reconcile information, as needed, in your database with the actual vault inventory. For more information about the data fields returned in an inventory job output, see Response Body.
Range Inventory Retrieval
You can limit the number of inventory items retrieved by filtering on the archive creation date or by setting a limit.
Filtering by Archive Creation Date
You can retrieve inventory items for archives created between
and EndDate
by specifying values for
these parameters in the Initiate Job request.
Archives created on or after the StartDate
and before the
are returned. If you provide only the
without the EndDate
, you retrieve the
inventory for all archives created on or after the StartDate
. If
you provide only the EndDate
without the StartDate
you get back the inventory for all archives created before the
Limiting Inventory Items per Retrieval
You can limit the number of inventory items returned by setting the
parameter in the Initiate
Job request. The inventory job output contains inventory items up
to the specified Limit
. If there are more inventory items
available, the result is paginated. After a job is complete, you can use the
Describe Job (GET JobID)
operation to get a marker that you use in a subsequent Initiate Job request. The marker indicates the starting point to
retrieve the next set of inventory items. You can page through your entire
inventory by repeatedly making Initiate Job
requests with the marker from the previous Describe
Job output. You do so until you get a marker from Describe Job that returns null, indicating that there
are no more inventory items available.
You can use the Limit
parameter together with the date range
Ranged Archive Retrieval
You can initiate archive retrieval for the whole archive or a range of the
archive. In the case of ranged archive retrieval, you specify a byte range to return
or the whole archive. The range specified must be megabyte (MB) aligned. In other
words, the range start value must be divisible by 1 MB and the range end value plus
1 must be divisible by 1 MB or equal the end of the archive. If the ranged archive
retrieval is not megabyte-aligned, this operation returns a 400
response. Furthermore, to ensure that you get checksum values for data you download
using Get Job Output (Get Job Output (GET output)), the range
must be tree-hash aligned. For more information about tree-hash aligned ranges, see
Receiving Checksums When Downloading Data.
Expedited, Standard, and Bulk Tiers
When initiating an archive retrieval job, you can specify one of the
following options in the Tier
field of the request body:
– Expedited allows you to quickly access your data when occasional urgent requests for restoring archives are required. For all but the largest archives (250 MB+), data accessed using the Expedited tier is typically made available within 1–5 minutes. -
– Standard allows you to access any of your archives within several hours. Data accessed using the Standard tier typically made available within 3–5 hours. This option is the default one for job requests that don't specify the tier option. -
– Bulk is the lowest-cost tier for S3 Glacier, enabling you to retrieve large amounts, even petabytes, of data inexpensively in a day. Data accessed using the Bulk tier is typically made available within 5–12 hours.
For more information about expedited and bulk retrievals, see Retrieving S3 Glacier Archives.
To initiate a job, you use the HTTP POST
method and scope the request to
the vault's jobs
subresource. You specify details of the job request in the
JSON document of your request. The job type is specified with the Type
field. Optionally, you can specify an SNSTopic
field to indicate an Amazon SNS
topic to which S3 Glacier can post notification after it completes the job.
To post a notification to Amazon SNS, you must create the topic yourself if it doesn't already exist. S3 Glacier doesn't create the topic for you. The topic must have permissions to receive publications from a S3 Glacier vault. S3 Glacier doesn't verify if the vault has permission to publish to the topic. If the permissions are not configured appropriately, you might not receive notification even after the job completes.
The following is the request syntax for initiating a job.
/jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: glacier.Region Date:Date
x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01 { "jobParameters": { "ArchiveId": "string
", "Description": "string
", "Format": "string
", "InventoryRetrievalParameters": { "EndDate": "string
", "Limit": "string
", "Marker": "string
", "StartDate": "string
" }, "OutputLocation": { "S3": { "AccessControlList": [ { "Grantee": { "DisplayName": "string
", "EmailAddress": "string
", "ID": "string
", "Type": "string
", "URI": "string
" }, "Permission": "string
" } ], "BucketName": "string
", "CannedACL": "string
", "Encryption": { "EncryptionType": "string
", "KMSContext": "string
", "KMSKeyId": "string
" }, "Prefix": "string
", "StorageClass": "string
", "Tagging": { "string
" : "string
" }, "UserMetadata": { "string
" : "string
" } } }, "RetrievalByteRange": "string
", "SelectParameters": { "Expression": "string
", "ExpressionType": "string
", "InputSerialization": { "csv": { "Comments": "string
", "FieldDelimiter": "string
", "FileHeaderInfo": "string
", "QuoteCharacter": "string
", "QuoteEscapeCharacter": "string
", "RecordDelimiter": "string
" } }, "OutputSerialization": { "csv": { "FieldDelimiter": "string
", "QuoteCharacter": "string
", "QuoteEscapeCharacter": "string
", "QuoteFields": "string
", "RecordDelimiter": "string
" } } }, "SNSTopic": "string
", "Tier": "string
", "Type": "string
" } }
The AccountId
value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-
' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format in the body of the request.
- jobParameters
Provides options for specifying job information.
Type: jobParameters object
Required: Yes
S3 Glacier creates the job. In the response, it returns the URI of the job.
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted x-amzn-RequestId: x-amzn-RequestId Date: Date Location:
Response Headers
Header | Description |
Location |
The relative URI path of the job. You can use this URI path to find the job status. For more information, see Describe Job (GET JobID). Type: String Default: None |
x-amz-job-id |
The ID of the job. This value is also included as part of the
Type: String Default: None |
x-amz-job-output-path |
The path to the location of where the select results are stored. Type: String Default: None |
Response Body
This operation does not return a response body.
This operation includes the following error or errors, in addition to the possible errors common to all Amazon S3 Glacier operations. For information about Amazon S3 Glacier errors and a list of error codes, see Error Responses.
Code | Description | HTTP Status Code | Type |
InsufficientCapacityException |
Returned if there is insufficient capacity to process this expedited request. This error only applies to expedited retrievals and not to standard or bulk retrievals. | 503 Service Unavailable |
Server |
Example Request: Initiate an archive retrieval job
POST /-/vaults/examplevault/jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: x-amz-Date: 20170210T120000Z x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01 Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20141123/us-west-2/glacier/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-glacier-version,Signature=9257c16da6b25a715ce900a5b45b03da0447acf430195dcb540091b12966f2a2 { "Type": "archive-retrieval", "ArchiveId": "NkbByEejwEggmBz2fTHgJrg0XBoDfjP4q6iu87-TjhqG6eGoOY9Z8i1_AUyUsuhPAdTqLHy8pTl5nfCFJmDl2yEZONi5L26Omw12vcs01MNGntHEQL8MBfGlqrEXAMPLEArchiveId", "Description": "My archive description", "SNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:111111111111:Glacier-ArchiveRetrieval-topic-Example", "Tier" : "Bulk" }
The following is an example of the body of a request that specifies a range of the
archive to retrieve using the RetrievalByteRange
"Type": "archive-retrieval",
"ArchiveId": "NkbByEejwEggmBz2fTHgJrg0XBoDfjP4q6iu87-TjhqG6eGoOY9Z8i1_AUyUsuhPAdTqLHy8pTl5nfCFJmDl2yEZONi5L26Omw12vcs01MNGntHEQL8MBfGlqrEXAMPLEArchiveId",
"Description": "My archive description",
"RetrievalByteRange": "2097152-4194303",
"SNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:111111111111:Glacier-ArchiveRetrieval-topic-Example",
"Tier" : "Bulk"
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT
Location: /111122223333/vaults/examplevault/jobs/HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID
x-amz-job-id: HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID
Example Request: Initiate an inventory retrieval job
The following request initiates an inventory retrieval job to get a list of
archives from the examplevault
vault. The Format
set to
in the body of the request indicates that the inventory is
returned in CSV format.
POST /-/vaults/examplevault/jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: x-amz-Date: 20170210T120000Z Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01 Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20141123/us-west-2/glacier/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-glacier-version,Signature=9257c16da6b25a715ce900a5b45b03da0447acf430195dcb540091b12966f2a2 { "Type": "inventory-retrieval", "Description": "My inventory job", "Format": "CSV", "SNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:111111111111:Glacier-InventoryRetrieval-topic-Example" }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT
Location: /111122223333/vaults/examplevault/jobs/HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID
x-amz-job-id: HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID
Example Requests: Initiate an inventory retrieval job by using date filtering with a set limit, and a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of inventory items.
The following request initiates a vault inventory retrieval job by using date filtering and setting a limit.
"ArchiveId": null,
"Description": null,
"Format": "CSV",
"RetrievalByteRange": null,
"SNSTopic": null,
"Type": "inventory-retrieval",
"InventoryRetrievalParameters": {
"StartDate": "2013-12-04T21:25:42Z",
"EndDate": "2013-12-05T21:25:42Z",
"Limit" : "10000"
The following request is an example of a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of inventory items using a marker obtained from Describe Job (GET JobID).
"ArchiveId": null,
"Description": null,
"Format": "CSV",
"RetrievalByteRange": null,
"SNSTopic": null,
"Type": "inventory-retrieval",
"InventoryRetrievalParameters": {
"StartDate": "2013-12-04T21:25:42Z",
"EndDate": "2013-12-05T21:25:42Z",
"Limit": "10000",
"Marker": "vyS0t2jHQe5qbcDggIeD50chS1SXwYMrkVKo0KHiTUjEYxBGCqRLKaiySzdN7QXGVVV5XZpNVG67pCZ_uykQXFMLaxOSu2hO_-5C0AtWMDrfo7LgVOyfnveDRuOSecUo3Ueq7K0"
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT
Location: /111122223333/vaults/examplevault/jobs/HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID
x-amz-job-id: HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID
x-amz-job-output-path: test/HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID/
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