Amazon Managed Grafana service quotas - Amazon Managed Grafana

Amazon Managed Grafana service quotas

Amazon Managed Grafana has the following quotas. You can request a quota increase for the number of workspaces.

Name Default Adjustable Description
Number of workspaces Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of workspaces that you can have in this account in the current region.
Rate of AssociateLicense requests Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of AssociateLicense requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of CreateWorkspace requests Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of CreateWorkspace requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of DeleteWorkspace requests Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of DeleteWorkspace requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of DescribeWorkspace requests Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DescribeWorkspace requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of DescribeWorkspaceAuthentication requests Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of DescribeWorkspaceAuthentication requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of DisassociateLicense requests Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of DisassociateLicense requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of ListPermissions requests Each supported Region: 10 per second No The maximum number of ListPermissions requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of ListWorkspaces requests Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of ListWorkspaces requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of UpdatePermissions requests Each supported Region: 10 per second No The maximum number of UpdatePermissions requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of UpdateWorkspace requests Each supported Region: 10 per second No The maximum number of UpdateWorkspace requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.
Rate of UpdateWorkspaceAuthentication requests Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of UpdateWorkspaceAuthentication requests that you can make, per second, in this account in the current region.

Additionally, Amazon Managed Grafana has the following quotas within each workspace

Resource Adjustable Default Quota


The number of rules per workspace in classic alerting, or the number of rule instances per workspace in Grafana alerting.


100 per workspace.



2,000 per workspace.

Data sources


2,000 per workspace.



10,000 provisioned, 500 concurrent per workspace.

API keys


100 per workspace.

Service accounts


100 per workspace.

Service account tokens


100 per workspace.

Network access control:

Prefix lists


5 per workspace.

Network access control:

IP address ranges


100 per prefix list.

Network access control:

VPC endpoints


5 per workspace.