Using the Amazon OpenSearch Service data source - Amazon Managed Grafana

Using the Amazon OpenSearch Service data source

Metric query editor

The OpenSearch query editor allows you to select multiple metrics and group by multiple terms or filters. Use the plus and minus icons to the right to add/remove metrics or group by clauses. Some metrics and group by clauses have options. Choose the option text to expand the\ row to view and edit metric or group by options.

Using Piped Processing Language (PPL)

The Amazon OpenSearch Service data source supports Piped Processing Language (PPL), which enables simpler yet powerful querying and visualization capabilities for OpenSearch. PPL enables customers to explore and find data without having to compose lengthy OpenSearch Domain Specific Language (DSL) statements or write queries using JSON objects. With PPL, you can write queries as a set of commands delimited by pipes similar to UNIX pipes.

Take the following sample DSL query as an example:

GET opensearch_sample_data_logs/_search{"from":0,"size":0,"timeout":"1m","query":{"bool":{"should":[{"term":{"response.keyword":{"value":"404","boost":1}}},{"term":{"response.keyword":{"value":"503","boost":1}}}],"adjust_pure_negative":true,"boost":1}},"sort":[{"_doc":{"order":"asc"}}],"aggregations":{"composite_buckets":{"composite":{"size":1000,"sources":[{"host":{"terms":{"field":"host.keyword","missing_bucket":true,"order":"asc"}}},{"response":{"terms":{"field":"response.keyword","missing_bucket":true,"order":"asc"}}}]},"aggregations":{"request_count":{"value_count":{"field":"request.keyword"}},"sales_bucket_sort":{"bucket_sort":{"sort":[{"request_count":{"order":"desc"}}],"size":10}}}}}}>

The preceding DSL query can be replaced with the following PPL command that is concise and human readable.

source = opensearch_sample_data_logs | where response='404' or response='503' | stats count(request) as request_count by host, response | sort –request_count

For more information about PPL, see Querying Amazon OpenSearch Service data using Piped Processing Language.

Series naming and alias patterns

You can control the name for time series using the Alias input field.

Pattern Description
{{term fieldname}} Replaced with value of a term Group By.
{{metric}} Replaced with metric name (ex. Average, Min, Max).
{{field}} Replaced with the metric field name.

Pipeline metrics

Some metric aggregations are called pipeline aggregations; for example, Moving Average and Derivative. OpenSearch pipeline metrics require another metric to be based on. Use the eye icon next to the metric to hide metrics from appearing in the graph. This is useful for metrics you only have in the query for use in a pipeline metric.


Instead of hardcoding things such as server, application, and sensor name in your metric queries you can use variables in their place. Variables are shown as dropdown select boxes at the top of the dashboard. You can use these dropdown boxes to change the data being displayed in your dashboard.

For more information about templating and template variables, see Templates and variables.

Query variable

The OpenSearch Service data source supports two types of queries you can use in the Query field of Query variables. The query is written using a custom JSON string.

Query Description
{"find": "fields", "type": "keyword"} Returns a list of field names with the index type keyword.
{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "size": 1000} Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation. Query will use current dashboard time range as time range for query.
{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "query": '<lucene query>'} Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation and a specified Lucene query filter. Query will use current dashboard time range as time range for query.

There is a default size limit of 500 on terms queries. To set a custom limit, set the size property in your query. You can use other variables inside the query. The following code example shows the query definition for a variable named $host.

{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "query": "@source:$source"}

In the previous example, we use another variable named $source inside the query definition. Whenever you change, using the dropdown list, the current value of the $source variable, it initiates an update of the $host variable. After the update, the $host variable contains only hostnames filtered by in this case the @source document property.

These queries by default return results in term order (which can then be sorted alphabetically or numerically as for any variable). To produce a list of terms sorted by doc count (a top-N values list), add an orderBy property of doc_count. This automatically selects a descending sort. Using asc with doc_count (a bottom-N list) can be done by setting order: "asc", but it is discouraged because it increases the error on document counts. To keep terms in the doc count order, set the variable’s Sort dropdown list to Disabled. Alternatively, you might alternatively still want to use Alphabetical to re-sort them.

{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "orderBy": "doc_count"}

Using variables in queries

There are two syntaxes:

  • $<varname> Example: @hostname:$hostname

  • [[varname]] Example: @hostname:[[hostname]]

Why two ways? The first syntax is easier to read and write, but it does not allow you to use a variable in the middle of a word. When the Multi-value or Include all value options are enabled, Grafana converts the labels from plaintext to a Lucene-compatible condition.

In the previous example, we have a lucene query that filters documents based on the @hostname property using a variable named $hostname. It is also using a variable in the Terms group by field input box. This allows you to use a variable to quickly change how the data is grouped.


Annotations allow you to overlay rich event information on top of graphs. You add annotation queries using the Dashboard menu or Annotations view. Grafana can query any OpenSearch index for annotation events. For more information, see Annotations.

Name Description
Query You can keep the search query blank or specify a Lucene query.
Time The name of the time field; must be date field.
Time End Optional name of the time end field must be date field. If set, annotations will be marked as a region between time and time-end.
Text Event description field.
Tags Optional field name to use for event tags (can be an array or a CSV string).

Querying logs

Querying and displaying log data from OpenSearch is available in Explore. To display your logs, select the OpenSearch Service data source, and then optionally enter a Lucene query. For more information, see Explore.

Log queries

After the result is returned, the log panel shows a list of log rows and a bar chart where the x-axis shows the time and the y-axis shows the frequency or count.

Filtering log messages

Optionally, enter a Lucene query into the query field to filter the log messages. For example, using a default Filebeat setup, you should be able to use fields.level:error to show only error log messages.