Amazon OpenSearch Service Serverless - Amazon Managed Grafana

Amazon OpenSearch Service Serverless


OpenSearch Service Serverless support is only available with Grafana workspaces that are running Grafana version 9.4 and later.

You can use the OpenSearch Service data source to access Amazon OpenSearch Service Serverless data with Amazon Managed Grafana. Access to the data is controlled by data access policies. The following example shows a policy that allows users to query a specific collection and index. Be sure to replace collection_name, index_name, and principal_arn with the correct values for your use case.

[ { "Rules": [ { "Resource": ["collection/{collection_name}"], "Permission": ["aoss:DescribeCollectionItems"], "ResourceType": "collection" }, { "Resource": ["index/{collection_name}/{index_name}"], "Permission": ["aoss:DescribeIndex", "aoss:ReadDocument"], "ResourceType": "index" } ], "Principal": ["principal_arn"], "Description": "read-access" } ]