Document history for User Guide - Amazon Managed Grafana

Document history for User Guide

The following table describes the important changes to the documentation since the last release of Amazon Managed Grafana. For notification about updates to this documentation, you can subscribe to an RSS feed.


Amazon Managed Grafana updates the solution for monitoring Amazon EKS clusters

Amazon Managed Grafana updates the solution to automatically monitor Amazon EKS clusters with a dashboard, using AWS CDK, simplifying deployment.

June 10, 2024

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for Grafana version 10

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for Grafana version 10. Grafana versions 8 and 9 are also still available for use.

May 15, 2024

Amazon Managed Grafana adds a solution for monitoring Amazon EKS clusters

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for a solution to automatically monitor Amazon EKS clusters with a dashboard created via AWS CloudFormation.

April 30, 2024

Amazon Managed Grafana replaces an obsolete managed policy

Amazon Managed Grafana adds a new managed policy, AWSGrafanaWorkspacePermissionManagementV2 to replace the obsolete AWSGrafanaWorkspacePermissionManagement managed policy. This new managed policy improves security for your workspace by providing a more restrictive set of permissions.

January 5, 2024

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for using community plugins

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for using community plugins in workspaces that are compatible with Grafana version 9.

November 15, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for updating the version of an existing workspace

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for updating existing workspaces to a more recent version. For example, you can update a workspace that is compatible with Grafana version 8 to be compatible with version 9.

July 19, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for trace analytics in OpenSearch data sources

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for viewing a list of traces in OpenSearch data sources, when using workspaces that support version 9 or later.

June 22, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for Grafana version 9

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for Grafana version 9. Grafana version 8 is also still available for use.

April 28, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds a new managed policy

Amazon Managed Grafana added a new managed policy, AmazonGrafanaCloudWatchAccess, that allows Amazon Managed Grafana to access metrics in CloudWatch.

March 24, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds new permissions

Amazon Managed Grafana added new permissions to AWSGrafanaWorkspacePermissionManagement so that IAM Identity Center users and groups that are managed in Microsoft Active Directory or Active Directory Connector can be associated with or disassociated from Amazon Managed Grafana workspaces.

March 22, 2023

Clarifying alert instances

With Grafana alerts, a single alert rule can create multiple instances of alerts, which affects how quickly quotas are reached. The documentation is updated to provide additional details.

March 20, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds new data sources

Amazon Managed Grafana adds new data source plugins for Databricks and Google BigQuery.

March 14, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds network access control to workspaces

Amazon Managed Grafana adds network access control to allow only specified IP addresses or VPC endpoints to access a workspace.

February 16, 2023

Amazon Managed Grafana adds new permissions

Amazon Managed Grafana added new permissions to AWSGrafanaWorkspacePermissionManagement so that IAM Identity Center users and groups can be associated with Grafana workspaces.

December 20, 2022

New SLR policy for Grafana service

Added service-linked role,AmazonManagedGrafana which receives permissions from the AmazonGrafanaServiceLinkedRolePolicy AWS managed policy.

November 23, 2022

Connection with Amazon VPC data sources

Added connections to data sources in Amazon VPC.

November 23, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana added workspace configuration

Amazon Managed Grafana added support for making configuration changes per Grafana workspace instance

November 23, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana added support for Grafana alerting

Amazon Managed Grafana added support for using the updated Grafana alerting feature, including integrating alerts from Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus and Prometheus instances.

November 23, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana adds 3 new visualizations

Amazon Managed Grafana adds the Plotly, Sankey, and Scatter panel visualizations.

November 17, 2022

AWS SSO rebranding to IAM Identity Center

AWS SSO is rebranded to IAM Identity Center.

July 26, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana feature enhancements

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for Grafana version 8.4, Pixie, GitHub and Moogsoft datasources, Recorded queries and the WindRose panel visualization.

May 13, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana feature enhancements

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for tagging.

March 31, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana feature enhancements

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for VPC Privatelink.

January 7, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana feature enhancements

Amazon Managed Grafana adds support for Amazon Redshift data source, Amazon Athena data source, Zabbix, Cloudflare. Amazon Managed Grafana supports Geomap panel visualization and Grafana version 8.2.

November 24, 2021

Amazon Managed Grafana preview feature enhancements

The preview of Amazon Managed Grafana supports Grafana version 7.5 and supports upgrade to Grafana Enterprise via AWS Marketplace integration. The Amazon Elasticsearch Service data source has also been upgraded to support Open Distro for Elasticsearch.

April 16, 2021

Amazon Managed Grafana preview released.

The preview of Amazon Managed Grafana is released.

December 15, 2020