Connect to a Dynatrace data source - Amazon Managed Grafana

Connect to a Dynatrace data source

Data source for To use this data source, you must have a Dynatrace account.


This data source is for Grafana Enterprise only. For more information, see Manage access to Enterprise plugins.

Additionally, in workspaces that support version 9 or newer, this data source might require you to install the appropriate plugin. For more information, see Extend your workspace with plugins.

Known limitations

Template variables can't be multi-select. Only single selection is supported.

Only v2 metric APIs are supported.


Core features

  • Template Variables

    • Metric Names

    • Single selection only (no multi-select)

    • Ad-Hoc Filters

  • Annotations

    • Not currently supported

  • Aliasing

    • Metric Names

    • Aggregation

    • Display Name

    • Host

    • Description

  • Alerting

    • Full alerting support

Dynatrace specific features

Supports both built-in and custom metrics using the Dynatrace metrics v2 API. For more information, see the Dynatrace documentation: Metrics API v2 and Metric ingestion.

Depending on the metric, the API might support additional transformation options.

Dynatrace permissions

You will need the following permissions in Dynatrace - Read metrics using API V2 ( permission - Read entities using API V2 ( permission

Get an API key from Dynatrace

To set up an API token, see Dynatrace API - Tokens and authentication

Set the and permissions for your API token.


  1. Choose Settings/Data Sources within the logical Grafana server UI and choose Add data source.

  2. On the Add data source page, filter for Dynatrace, and select the Dynatrace plugin.

  3. Configuring a Dynatrace data source requires the following parameters:

    • Name - The name you want to apply to the Dynatrace data source (default: Dynatrace).

    • Dynatrace API Type - The type of Dynatrace instance that you’re connecting to. This is either SaaS or Managed Cluster.

    • Dynatrace API Token - This is the API token you generated in the previous step..

    The next two settings depend on whether you are Dynatrace SaaS or managed

    • In a SaaS example of, your Environment ID would be yfc55578.

    • In the Managed example of, your Environment ID would be abc99984-3af2-55tt-72kl-0672983gc45 and your Domain would be

  4. After all of the configuration values have been set, choose Save & Test to validate the configuration and save your changes.

Query the data source

Use the query editor to query Dynatrace metrics and problems. The query type can be metric or problem.

Metric query type

  • Metric— Select the metric that you want to see. To get the metric list from Dynatrace again, choose Refresh button.

  • Aggregations— Select the aggregation you want to use for a specific metric. Choose the aggregations value to change the aggregation type or choose + to add another aggregation.

  • Transformations— You can select transformations in the query editor. Afterwards, enter a number of parameters into the selected transformation. Currently, only the merge transformation is supported. For more information about the merge transforms, see Merge transformation.

  • Filters— The Dynatrace data source dynamically queries the appropriate filters for each metric. To add a filter, choose the + symbol next to the Filters label on the Dynatrace query editor, select which field to filter on, select the operator to use, and then select a value to filter by. The Dynatrace data source allows you to create Filter Groups that you can join together to create complex logical comparisons. For most use cases, Filter Groups are not required. When creating filters with Tags, regardless of the conjunction selected, Dynatrace will always use AND. Dynatrace does not support OR filters with Tags.

  • Alias— There are two different types of aliases you will encounter while using the Dynatrace data source. The first is a static alias. An alias of this type is available on every query that you build, and the name of the alias starts with a lowercase letter. The second is a dynamic alias, which changes based on the metric that you are using in your query, and the name of the alias starts with an uppercase letter. The Dynatrace plugin supports several different aliases: Metric Names, Aggregation, Display Name, Host, and Description.

Name Value
$name builtin:apps.other.keyUserActions.reportedErrorCount.os
$aggregation auto,value
$displayName Reported error count (by key user action, OS) [mobile, custom]

Problems query type

  • Problem Query Type— Select a problem query type. Currently, only the feed problem query type is supported. For information about the feed problem query type, see Merge transformation

  • Status Filter— Filter the result problems by the status.

  • Impact Filter— Filter the result problems by the impact level.

  • Severity Filter— Filter the result problems by the severity level.

  • Expand Details— Include related events to the response, if set..

Using template variables

To add a new Dynatrace query variable, see add a new template variable. Use your Dynatrace data source as your data source for the following available queries:

  • Query type— Select a query type. The query type associates some data with some key or descriptor.

    Query type Description
    Metric names Returns a list of all metric names
    Filter keys Returns a list of all the possible dimensions (e.g. Hostname) that can be used to filter
    Filter values for key Returns a list of all filtered values by a key name or a key name template variable
    Problem status options Returns a list of all problem statuses
    Problem impact options Returns a list of all problem impacted areas
    Problem severity options Returns a list of all problem severity types
  • Regex— (Optional) Filter out any of the returned values from your query with a regular expression.


Multi-value and Include All option are currently not supported by the Dynatrace data source.

After creating a variable, you can find it in the Metric drop-down menu.

Import a dashboard for Dynatrace

To import a dashboard, see Importing a dashboard. Imported dashboards can be found in Configuration > Data Sources > select your Dynatrace data source > select the Dashboards tab to see available pre-made dashboards.