This data source is for Grafana Enterprise only. For more information, see Manage access to Enterprise plugins.
Additionally, in workspaces that support version 9 or newer, this data source might require you to install the appropriate plugin. For more information, see Extend your workspace with plugins.
The Salesforce data source allows you to visualize data from Salesforce within Amazon Managed Grafana.
To use this data source, you must have a Salesforce
Known limitations
Ad-hoc filters are not supported yet.
Only SOQL queries, and data that is accessible via SOQL are currently supported. SOSL and SAQL query formats are not yet supported.
Required settings
The following settings are required.
The plugin currently uses the OAuth 2.0 Username-Password Flow. The required callback URL in the Connected App is not used. Thus, you can set it to any valid URL.
Name | Description |
Enable OAuth settings
You must check this to enable OAuth. |
Callback URL
Not used in this plugin, so you can specify any valid URL. |
Selected OAuth Scopes (minimum requirements)
Access and Manage your data (api). |
Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow
You can either enable or disable this. |
Adding the data
Open the Grafana console in the Amazon Managed Grafana workspace and make sure you are logged in.
In the side menu under Configuration (the gear icon), choose Data Sources.
Choose Add data source.
If you don't see the Data Sources link in your side menu, it means that your current user does not have the
role. -
Select Salesforce from the list of data sources.
Enter the following information:
For User Name, enter the username for the Salesforce account that you want to use to connect and query Salesforce.
For Password, enter the password for that user.
For Security Token, enter the security token for that user.
For Consumer Key, enter A Consumer key to connect to Salesforce. You can obtain this from your Salesforce Connected App.
For Consumer Secret, enter A Consumer secrete to connect to Salesforce. You can obtain this from your Salesforce Connected App.
For Use Sandbox, select this if you want to use a Salesforce sandbox.
Query the Salesforce data source
The query editor supports the modes Query Builder and SOQL Editor. SOQL stands
for Salesforce Object Query Language
Query Builder (SOQL Builder)
Query Builder is a user friendly interface for building SOQL queries. If you are not familiar with writing SOQL queries, you can use this mode to build the SOQL to query Salesforce objects. The FROM field in the query builder refers to the entity or entities in Salesforce. You need to select the FROM field before any other operation in the query builder. After you choose the FROM field, you need to choose the builder mode. SOQL Builder currently supports the following modes.
— List the items with their fields from the selected table/salesforce. Use this mode to get results such as, "Show me list of opportunities created in this fiscal quarter along with their name, value, and stage." -
— Aggregate the items in an entity. Use this mode to get results such as,"Count the opportunities created in last month." or "What is the total value of the opportunities grouped by their stage name?" -
— Display the aggregated results over time. Use this mode to get results such as, "Count the number of opportunities by CreatedDate." or "What is the total sum of value grouped by opportunities' closing dates."
After you choose the Entity/FROM
and the
mode in the query editor, build your query using
the following options.
Fields | Appplicable to | Descriptions |
SELECT | ALL | Select the list of fields that you want to see. For the aggregate or trend view, also select how you want to aggregate the values. |
WHERE | ALL | (Optional) Specify the filter conditions. The results are filtered based on the conditions that you select. |
ORDER BY | LIST, AGGREGATE | (Optional) Select the field name and the sort order that you want for the results. |
LIMIT | LIST, AGGREGATE | (Optional) Limit the number fo results returned. The default is 100. |
GROUP BY | AGGREGATE | (Optional) Select the field if you want to split the aggregated value by any specific field. |
TIME FIELD | TREND | Specify the date field by which you want to group your results. Results are filtered based on Grafana's time picker range. |
s you configure the preceding fields in the query editor, you will also see a preview of generated SOQL below the query editor. If you are blocked with any limitations in the query builder, you can safely switch to SOQL Editor, where you can customize the generated SOQL query.
SOQL editor
The raw SOQL editor provides the option to query Salesforce objects via raw a SOQL query. The SOQL editor provides autocomplete suggestions, such as available entities per tables and corresponding fields. Use Ctrl+Space after SELECT or WHERE to see the available entities per tables. You can see the available fields, if you enter a dot after the entity name.
Use CTRL + SPACE to show code completion, which shows available contextual options.
CMD + S runs the query.
Query as time series
Make a time series query by aliasing a date field to time, and a metric field to metric, then grouping by the metric and date. The following is an example:
SELECT sum(Amount) amount, CloseDate time, Type metric from Opportunity
group by Type, CloseDate
To filter by the dashboard time range, you can use Macros in your SOQL queries:
— Will be replaced by the start of the currently active time selection converted to thetime
data type. -
— Will be replaced by the end of the currently active time selection converted to thetime
data type. -
— The start of the fiscal quarter (derived from SalesForce Fiscal Year Settings). -
— The end of the fiscal quarter (derived from SalesForce Fiscal Year Settings).
SELECT UserId, LoginTime from LoginHistory where LoginTime > $__timeFrom
Templates and variables
To add a new Salesforce query variable, see Adding a query variable. Use your Salesforce data source as your data source. You can use any SOQL query here.
If you want to use name/value pairs, for example a user id and user name, return two fields from your SOQL query. The first field will be used as the ID. Do this when you want to filter by key (ID, etc) in your query editor SOQL.
Use the variable in your SOQL queries by using Variable syntax. For more information, see Variable syntax.