Check deployment status - AWS IoT Greengrass

Check deployment status

You can check the status of a deployment that you create in AWS IoT Greengrass. You can also check the status of the AWS IoT jobs that roll out the deployment to each core device. While a deployment is active, the AWS IoT job's status is IN_PROGRESS. After you create a new revision of a deployment, the status of the previous revision's AWS IoT job changes to CANCELLED.

Check deployment status

You can check the status of a deployment that you identify by its target or its ID.

To check deployment status by target (AWS CLI)
  • Run the following command to retrieve the status of the latest deployment for a target. Replace targetArn with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS IoT thing or thing group that the deployment targets.

    aws greengrassv2 list-deployments --target-arn targetArn

    The response contains a list with the latest deployment for the target. This deployment object includes the status of the deployment.

To check deployment status by ID (AWS CLI)
  • Run the following command to retrieve the status of a deployment. Replace deploymentId with the ID of the deployment to query.

    aws greengrassv2 get-deployment --deployment-id deploymentId

    The response contains the status of the deployment.

Check device deployment status

You can check the status of a deployment job that applies to an individual core device. You can also check the status of a deployment job for a thing group deployment.

To check deployment job statuses for a core device (AWS CLI)
  • Run the following command to retrieve the status of all deployment jobs for a core device. Replace coreDeviceName with the name of the core device to query.

    aws greengrassv2 list-effective-deployments --core-device-thing-name coreDeviceName

    The response contains the list of deployment jobs for the core device. You can identify the job for a deployment by the job's deploymentId or targetArn. Each deployment job contains the status of the job on the core device.

To check deployment statuses for a thing group (AWS CLI)
  1. Run the following command to retrieve the ID of an existing deployment. Replace targetArn with the ARN of the target thing group.

    aws greengrassv2 list-deployments --target-arn targetArn

    The response contains a list with the latest deployment for the target. Copy the deploymentId from the response to use in the next step.


    You can also list a deployment other than the latest deployment for the target. Specify the --history-filter ALL argument to list all deployments for the target. Then, copy the ID of the deployment that you want to check the status of.

  2. Run the following command to get the deployment's details. Replace deploymentID with the ID from the previous step.

    aws greengrassv2 get-deployment --deployment-id deploymentId

    The response contains information about the deployment. Copy the iotJobId from the response to use in the following step.

  3. Run the following command to describe a core device's job execution for the deployment. Replace iotJobId and coreDeviceThingName with the job ID from the previous step and the core device you want to check the status for.

    aws iot describe-job-execution --job-id iotJobId --thing-name coreDeviceThingName

    The response contains the status of the core device's deployment job execution and details about the status. The detailsMap contains the following information:

    • detailed-deployment-status – The deployment result status, which can be one of the following values:

      • SUCCESSFUL – The deployment succeeded.

      • FAILED_NO_STATE_CHANGE – The deployment failed while the core device prepared to apply the deployment.

      • FAILED_ROLLBACK_NOT_REQUESTED – The deployment failed, and the deployment didn't specify to roll back to a previous working configuration, so the core device might not be functioning correctly.

      • FAILED_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE – The deployment failed, and the core device successfully rolled back to a previous working configuration.

      • FAILED_UNABLE_TO_ROLLBACK – The deployment failed, and the core device failed to roll back to a previous working configuration, so the core device might not be functioning correctly.

      If the deployment failed, check the deployment-failure-cause value and the core device's log files to identify the issue. For more information about how to access the core device's log files, see Monitor AWS IoT Greengrass logs.

    • deployment-failure-cause – An error message that provides additional details about why the job execution failed.

    The response looks similar to the following example.

    { "execution": { "jobId": "2cc2698a-5175-48bb-adf2-1dd345606ebd", "status": "FAILED", "statusDetails": { "detailsMap": { "deployment-failure-cause": "No local or cloud component version satisfies the requirements. Check whether the version constraints conflict and that the component exists in your AWS account with a version that matches the version constraints. If the version constraints conflict, revise deployments to resolve the conflict. Component com.example.HelloWorld version constraints: LOCAL_DEPLOYMENT requires =1.0.0, thinggroup/MyGreengrassCoreGroup requires =1.0.1.", "detailed-deployment-status": "FAILED_NO_STATE_CHANGE" } }, "thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/MyGreengrassCore", "queuedAt": "2022-02-15T14:45:53.098000-08:00", "startedAt": "2022-02-15T14:46:05.670000-08:00", "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-02-15T14:46:20.892000-08:00", "executionNumber": 1, "versionNumber": 3 } }