Release: AWS IoT Greengrass Core v2.9.3 software update on February 01, 2023 - AWS IoT Greengrass

Release: AWS IoT Greengrass Core v2.9.3 software update on February 01, 2023

This release provides version 2.9.3 of the Greengrass nucleus component.

Release date: February 01, 2023

Public component updates

The following table lists components provided by AWS that include new and updated features.


When you deploy a component, AWS IoT Greengrass installs the latest supported versions of all of that component's dependencies. Because of this, new patch versions of AWS-provided public components might be automatically deployed to your core devices if you add new devices to a thing group, or you update the deployment that targets those devices. Some automatic updates, such as a nucleus update, can cause your devices to restart unexpectedly.

To prevent unintended updates for a component that is running on your device, we recommend that you directly include your preferred version of that component when you create a deployment. For more information about update behavior for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, see Update the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software (OTA).

Component Details
Greengrass nucleus

Version 2.9.3 of the Greengrass nucleus is available.

Bug fixes and improvements
  • Ensures MQTT client IDs aren't duplicated.

  • Adds more robust file-reading and writing to avoid and recover from corruption.

  • Retries docker image pull on specific network-related errors.

  • Adds the noProxyAddresses option for MQTT connection.