Sync local device shadows with AWS IoT Core - AWS IoT Greengrass

Sync local device shadows with AWS IoT Core

The shadow manager component enables AWS IoT Greengrass to sync local device shadow states with AWS IoT Core. You must modify the configuration of the shadow manager component to include the synchronization configuration parameter, and specify the AWS IoT thing names for your devices, and the shadows that you want to sync.

When you configure shadow manager to sync shadows, it syncs all state changes for specified shadows, regardless of whether the changes occur in local shadow documents or in cloud shadow documents.

You can also specify whether the shadow manager component syncs shadows in real time or on a periodic interval. By default, the shadow manager component syncs shadows in real time, so the core device sends and receives shadow updates to and from AWS IoT Core when each update occurs. You can configure periodic intervals to reduce bandwidth usage and charges.


To sync local shadows with AWS IoT Core, you must configure the Greengrass core device's AWS IoT policy to allow the following AWS IoT Core shadow policy actions.

  • iot:GetThingShadow

  • iot:UpdateThingShadow

  • iot:DeleteThingShadow

For more information, see the following:

Configure the shadow manager component

The shadow manager requires a list of shadow name mappings to sync shadow state information in local shadow documents to cloud shadow documents in AWS IoT Core.

To sync shadow states, create a deployment that includes the aws.greengrass.ShadowManager component, and specify the shadows that you want to sync in the synchronize configuration parameter in the shadow manager configuration in the deployment.


To enable a core device to interact with client device shadows, you must also configure and deploy the MQTT bridge component. For more information, see Enable shadow manager to communicate with client devices.

The following example configuration update instructs the shadow manager component to sync the following shadows with AWS IoT Core:

  • The classic shadow for the core device

  • The named MyCoreShadow for the core device

  • The classic shadow for an IoT thing named MyDevice2

  • The named shadows MyShadowA and MyShadowB for a IoT thing named MyDevice1

This configuration update specifies to sync shadows with AWS IoT Core in real time. If you use shadow manager v2.1.0 or later, you can configure the shadow manager component to sync shadows on a periodic interval. To configure this feature, change the sync strategy to periodic, and specify a delay in seconds for the interval. For more information, see the strategy configuration parameter of the shadow manager component.

This configuration update specifies to sync shadows in both directions between AWS IoT Core and the core device. If you use shadow manager v2.2.0 or later, you can configure the shadow manager component to sync shadows in only one direction. To configure this feature, change the sync direction to deviceToCloud or cloudToDevice. For more information, see the direction configuration parameter of the shadow manager component.

{ "strategy": { "type": "realTime" }, "synchronize": { "coreThing": { "classic": true, "namedShadows": [ "MyCoreShadow" ] }, "shadowDocuments": [ { "thingName": "MyDevice1", "classic": false, "namedShadows": [ "MyShadowA", "MyShadowB" ] }, { "thingName": "MyDevice2", "classic": true, "namedShadows": [ ] } ], "direction": "betweenDeviceAndCloud" } }

Sync local shadows

When the Greengrass core device is connected to the AWS IoT cloud, the shadow manager performs the following tasks for the shadows that you specify in the component configuration. The behavior depends on the shadow sync direction configuration option that you specify. By default, shadow manager uses the betweenDeviceAndCloud option to sync shadows in both directions. If you use shadow manager v2.2.0 or later, you can configure the core device to sync shadows in only one direction, which can be cloudToDevice or deviceToCloud.

  • If the shadow sync direction configuration is betweenDeviceAndCloud or cloudToDevice, shadow manager retrieves the reported state information from the cloud shadow document in AWS IoT Core. Then, it updates locally stored shadow documents to synchronize the device state.

  • If the shadow sync direction configuration is betweenDeviceAndCloud or deviceToCloud, shadow manager publishes the device's current state to the cloud shadow document.

Shadow merge conflict behavior

In some cases, such as when the core device is disconnected from the internet, a shadow might change in the local shadow service and in the AWS IoT cloud before the shadow manager synchronizes the changes. As a result, the desired and reported states differ between the local shadow service and the AWS IoT cloud

When the shadow manager synchronizes the shadow, it merges the changes according to the following behavior:

  • If you use a version of shadow manager earlier than v2.2.0, or when you specify the betweenDeviceAndCloud shadow sync direction, the following behavior applies:

    • When there's a merge conflict in a shadow's desired state, the shadow manager overwrites the conflicting section of the local shadow document with the value from the AWS IoT cloud.

    • When there's a merge conflict in a shadow's reported state, the shadow manager overwrites the conflicting section of the shadow in the AWS IoT cloud with the value from the local shadow document.

  • When you specify the deviceToCloud shadow sync direction, the shadow manager overwrites the conflicting section of the shadow in the AWS IoT cloud with the value from the local shadow document.

  • When you specify the cloudToDevice shadow sync direction, the shadow manager overwrites the conflicting section of the local shadow document with the value from the AWS IoT cloud.