Create mission profile - AWS Ground Station

Create mission profile

With the configs constructed in the previous step, you have identified how to track your satellite and the possible ways to communicate with your satellite. In this step you will construct one or more mission profiles. A mission profile represents the aggregation of the possible configs into an expected behavior that can be then scheduled and operated on.

For the latest parameters, please reference the AWS::GroundStation::MissionProfile CloudFormation resource type

  1. Name your mission profile. This allows you to quickly understand its usage within your system. For example, you may have a satellite-wideband-narrowband-nominal-operations and a satellite-narrowband-emergency-operations if you have a separate narrowband carrier for emergency operations.

  2. Set your tracking config.

  3. Set your minimum viable contact durations. This allows you to filter potential contacts to meet your mission needs.

  4. Set your streamsKmsKey and streamsKmsRole that are used to encrypt your data during transit. This is used for all AWS Ground Station Agent dataflows.

  5. Set your dataflows. Create your dataflows to match your carrier signals using the configs you created in the previous step.

  6. [Optional] Set your pre-pass and post-pass contact duration seconds. This is used to emit per-contact events prior-to and after the contact, respectively. See Automate AWS Ground Station with Events for more information.

  7. [Optional] You can associate Tags to your mission profile. These can be used to help programmatically differentiate your mission profiles.

You can reference the Example mission profile configurations, to see just some of the potential configurations.