Organizational view (CLI) - AWS Health

Organizational view (CLI)

You can also enable the organizational view feature from the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) instead of the AWS Health console. To use the console, see Enabling organizational view (console).


If you want to allow users access to the management account for the organizational view feature, they must have permissions such as the AWSHealthFullAccess policy. For more information, see AWS Health identity-based policy examples.

Enabling organizational view (CLI)

You can enable organizational view by using the EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization API operation.

You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or your own code to call this operation.


The following AWS CLI command enables this feature from your AWS account. You can use this command from the management account or from an account that can assume the role with the required permissions.

aws health enable-health-service-access-for-organization --region us-east-1

The following code examples call the EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization API operation.

import boto3 client = boto3.client('health') response = client.enable_health_service_access_for_organization() print(response)

You can use the AWS SDK for version Java 2.0 for the following example.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class EnableHealthServiceAccessDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { HealthClient client = HealthClient.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .credentialsProvider( DefaultCredentialsProvider.builder().build() ) .build(); try { DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationResponse statusResponse = client.describeHealthServiceStatusForOrganization( DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganizationRequest.builder().build() ); String status = statusResponse.healthServiceAccessStatusForOrganization(); if ("ENABLED".equals(status)) { System.out.println("EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization already enabled!"); return; } client.enableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization( EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganizationRequest.builder().build() ); System.out.println("EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization is in progress"); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException cme) { System.out.println("EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization is already in progress. Wait for the action to complete before trying again."); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EnableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization FAILED: " + e); } } }

For more information, see the AWS SDK for Java 2.0 Developer Guide.

When you enable this feature, the AWSServiceRoleForHealth_Organizations service-linked role with the Health_OrganizationsServiceRolePolicy AWS managed policy is applied to the management account in the organization.


Enabling this feature is an asynchronous process and takes time to complete. You can call the DescribeHealthServiceStatusForOrganization operation to check the status of the process.

Viewing organizational view events (CLI)

After you enable this feature, AWS Health starts to record events that affect accounts in the organization. When an account joins your organization, AWS Health automatically adds the account to organizational view.


AWS Health doesn't record events that occurred in your organization before you enabled organizational view.

When an account leaves your organization, new events from that account are no longer logged to organizational view. However, existing events remain and you can still query them up to the 90-day limit.

AWS retains the policy data for the account for 90 days from the effective date of the administrator account closure. At the end of the 90 day period, AWS permanently deletes all policy data for the account.

  • To retain findings for more than 90 days, you can archive the policies. You can also use a custom action with an EventBridge rule to store the findings in an S3 bucket.

  • As long as AWS retains the policy data, when you reopen the closed account, AWS reassigns the account as the service administrator and recovers the service policy data for the account.

  • For more information, see Closing an account.


For customers in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions:

  • Before closing your account, back up and then delete account resources. You will no longer have access to them after you close the account.

You can use the AWS Health API operations to return events from organizational view.

Example : Describe organizational view events

The following AWS CLI command returns health events for AWS accounts in your organization.

aws health describe-events-for-organization --region us-east-1

See the following section for other AWS Health API operations.

Disabling organizational view (CLI)

You can disable organizational view by using the DisableHealthServiceAccessForOrganization API operation.

The following AWS CLI command disables this feature from your account.

aws health disable-health-service-access-for-organization --region us-east-1

You can also disable the organizational feature by using the Organizations DisableAWSServiceAccess API operation. After you call this operation, AWS Health stops aggregating events for all other accounts in your organization. If you call the AWS Health API operations for organizational view, AWS Health returns an error. AWS Health continues to aggregate health events for your AWS account.

After you disable this feature, AWS Health no longer aggregates events from your organization. However, the service-linked role remains in the management account until you delete it through the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) console, IAM API, or AWS CLI. For more information, see Deleting a service-linked Role in the IAM User Guide.

AWS Health organizational view API operations

You can use the following AWS Health API operations for organizational view:

You can use the following operations to enable or disable AWS Health from working with Organizations:

You must have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan to call these API operations. If you call the DescribeEventForOrganization and DescribeAffectedAccountsForOrganization operations from an account that has at least a Business support plan, you can return information about any account in the organization, regardless of the support level of the individual accounts. See the following examples.

Example: An organization with accounts that have Business and Developer support plans
  • You have three accounts in your organization. The management account has a Business support plan and the other two accounts have a Developer support plan.

  • You call the DescribeEventForOrganization API operation from the management account or from an account that can assume the role with the required permissions.

  • AWS Health returns information for all three accounts.

If you call the DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization and DescribeAffectedEntitiesForOrganization API operations from an account that has at least a Business support plan, you can only return information about accounts in the organization that have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan.

Example: An organization with accounts that have an Enterprise, Business, and Developer Support plans
  • You have five accounts in your organization. The management account has an Enterprise support plan, two accounts have a Business support plan, and two accounts have a Developer support plan.

  • You call the DescribeEventDetailsForOrganization API operation from the management account.

  • AWS Health returns information for only the accounts that have an Enterprise or Business support plan. The accounts that have a Developer support plan appear in the failedSet of the response.