Learn more about a specific HealthLake data store - AWS HealthLake

Learn more about a specific HealthLake data store

To describe an individual data store you can use AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, and the AWS CLI.

Differences between the AWS Management Console and HealthLake APIs.

In the HealthLake console, you can only view data stores which have the status Active, Creating, or Deleting. To view details about a HealthLake data store which has been deleted your must-use the DescribeFHIRDatastore action.

To view the details of a HealthLake data store (AWS Management Console)
  1. Open the HealthLake console at https://console.aws.amazon.com//healthlake/home.

  2. Open the Navigation pane (≡).

  3. Then, choose Data Stores.

  4. On the data stores page, choose the name of data store you would like to learn more about.

To view the details of more than one data store at a time use the ListFHIRDatastore API action.

To create HealthLake data store (AWS CLI and SDKs)

You can use the code samples below to create a HealthLake data store.


The following examples demonstrates using the DescribeFHIRDatastore operation wit the AWS CLI. To run the example, you must install the AWS CLI.

aws healthlake describe-fhir-datastore --datastore-id "5b6e4cd798289a4ab8dad6c1002dd731"

When successful, you get the following JSON response.

{ "DatastoreProperties": { "DatastoreId": "eeb8005725ae22b35b4edbdc68cf2dfd", "DatastoreArn": "arn:aws:healthlake:us-west-2:728347309221:datastore/fhir/5b6e4cd798289a4ab8dad6c1002dd731", "DatastoreName": "delete-me", "DatastoreStatus": "ACTIVE", "CreatedAt": "2022-10-03T10:53:45.020000-07:00", "DatastoreTypeVersion": "R4", "DatastoreEndpoint": "https://healthlake.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/datastore/5b6e4cd798289a4ab8dad6c1002dd731/r4/", "SseConfiguration": { "KmsEncryptionConfig": { "CmkType": "AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY" } }, "PreloadDataConfig": { "PreloadDataType": "SYNTHEA" } } }
Python (boto3)

The AWS SDK for Python supports the describe_fhir_datastore method which takes in a single parameter DatastoreId.

import boto3 #Create a Healthlake client healthlake_client = boto3.client('healthlake') #Call the describe_fhir_datastore method data_store_details = healthlake_client.describe_fhir_datastore(DatastoreId='cdf8f1557e57c543bdc627fb8f12b7fd') print(data_store_details)

When successful, it returns a python dictionary.

{'DatastoreProperties': {'DatastoreId': 'cdf8f1557e57c543bdc627fb8f12b7fd', 'DatastoreArn': 'arn:aws:healthlake:us-west-2:728347309221:datastore/fhir/cdf8f1557e57c543bdc627fb8f12b7fd', 'DatastoreName': '08-24-2022-test-data-store', 'DatastoreStatus': 'ACTIVE', 'CreatedAt': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 23, 22, 12, 14, 359000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'DatastoreTypeVersion': 'R4', 'DatastoreEndpoint': 'https://healthlake.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/datastore/cdf8f1557e57c543bdc627fb8f12b7fd/r4/', 'SseConfiguration': {'KmsEncryptionConfig': {'CmkType': 'AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY'}}, 'PreloadDataConfig': {'PreloadDataType': 'SYNTHEA'}}, 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'aef4b268-ad4b-4b57-bc97-2da956356835', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Wed, 05 Oct 2022 01:21:44 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0', 'content-length': '547', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': 'aef4b268-ad4b-4b57-bc97-2da956356835'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}}

To return details about more than one data store at a time use ListFHIRDatastore

To view details about more than one HealthLake data store at a time use the ListFHIRDatastores API operation.