TagResource - Amazon Honeycode

To our valued customers: After careful consideration, we have made the decision to end the Amazon Honeycode beta service, effective February 29, 2024. New customer sign-ups and account plan upgrades are no longer available. Existing customers will be able to use Honeycode and your Honeycode apps as normal (and add team members to your existing account) until February 29, 2024, when the service will be discontinued. After this date, you will no longer be able to use Honeycode or any of the apps you created in Honeycode. To learn more about this change, and how to download your data, visit the Community Discussions.


The TagResource API allows you to tag a resource.

For more details regarding this API, check the TagResource API Reference page.

In the examples below, replace <resource-arn> with your resource ARN.

AWS CLI Example

aws honeycode tag-resource \ --resource-arn '<resource-arn>' \ --tags '{ "key1": "value1" }'

Python SDK Example

response = honeycode_client.tag_resource( resourceArn='<resource-arn>', tags={'key1': 'value1'})

