AWS::CustomerProfiles::Integration SourceConnectorProperties - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::CustomerProfiles::Integration SourceConnectorProperties

Specifies the information that is required to query a particular Amazon AppFlow connector. Customer Profiles supports Salesforce, Zendesk, Marketo, ServiceNow and Amazon S3.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



The properties that are applied when Marketo is being used as a source.

Required: No

Type: MarketoSourceProperties

Update requires: No interruption


The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is being used as the flow source.

Required: No

Type: S3SourceProperties

Update requires: No interruption


The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a source.

Required: No

Type: SalesforceSourceProperties

Update requires: No interruption


The properties that are applied when ServiceNow is being used as a source.

Required: No

Type: ServiceNowSourceProperties

Update requires: No interruption


The properties that are applied when using Zendesk as a flow source.

Required: No

Type: ZendeskSourceProperties

Update requires: No interruption