Buat tanda tangan URL menggunakan PHP - Amazon CloudFront

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Buat tanda tangan URL menggunakan PHP

Setiap server web yang menjalankan PHP dapat menggunakan kode contoh PHP ini untuk membuat pernyataan kebijakan dan tanda tangan untuk distribusi pribadi CloudFront . Contoh lengkap membuat halaman web yang berfungsi dengan tautan URL bertanda tangan yang memutar aliran video menggunakan CloudFront streaming. Anda dapat mengunduh contoh lengkapnya di https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ AmazonCloudFront DeveloperGuide /latest/ /samples/demo-php.zip.

Anda juga dapat membuat URL yang ditandatangani dengan menggunakan kelas AWS SDK for PHP di UrlSigner. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Kelas UrlSigner di Referensi AWS SDK for PHP API.


Membuat tanda tangan URL hanyalah satu bagian dari proses menyajikan konten pribadi menggunakan URL yang ditandatangani. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang seluruh proses, lihat Menggunakan URL yang ditandatangani.

Contoh: Tanda tangan RSA SHA-1

Pada contoh kode berikut, fungsi rsa_sha1_sign menyapih dan menandatangani pernyataan kebijakan. Argumen yang diperlukan adalah pernyataan kebijakan dan kunci pribadi yang sesuai dengan kunci publik yang ada dalam grup kunci tepercaya untuk distribusi Anda. Selanjutnya, url_safe_base64_encode membuat versi URL-safe dari tanda tangan.

function rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename) { $signature = ""; // load the private key $fp = fopen($private_key_filename, "r"); $priv_key = fread($fp, 8192); fclose($fp); $pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key); // compute signature openssl_sign($policy, $signature, $pkeyid); // free the key from memory openssl_free_key($pkeyid); return $signature; } function url_safe_base64_encode($value) { $encoded = base64_encode($value); // replace unsafe characters +, = and / with // the safe characters -, _ and ~ return str_replace( array('+', '=', '/'), array('-', '_', '~'), $encoded); }

Contoh: buat kebijakan kalengan

Contoh kode berikut membangun kalengan pernyataan kebijakan untuk tanda tangan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang kebijakan terekam, lihat Membuat URL yang ditandatangani menggunakan kebijakan terekam.


$expires variabel adalah stempel tanggal/waktu yang harus berupa bilangan bulat, bukan string.

function get_canned_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $expires) { // this policy is well known by CloudFront, but you still need to sign it, // since it contains your parameters $canned_policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' . $video_path . '","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":'. $expires . '}}}]}'; // sign the canned policy $signature = rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy, $private_key_filename); // make the signature safe to be included in a url $encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature); // combine the above into a stream name $stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, null, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id, $expires); // url-encode the query string characters to work around a flash player bug return encode_query_params($stream_name); }

Contoh: buat kebijakan khusus

Contoh kode berikut membangun khusus pernyataan kebijakan untuk tanda tangan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang kebijakan khusus, lihat Membuat URL yang ditandatangani menggunakan kebijakan kustom.

function get_custom_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $policy) { // sign the policy $signature = rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename); // make the signature safe to be included in a url $encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature); // combine the above into a stream name $stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, $encoded_policy, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id, null); // url-encode the query string characters to work around a flash player bug return encode_query_params($stream_name); }

Contoh kode lengkap

Kode contoh berikut memberikan demonstrasi lengkap untuk membuat URL yang CloudFront ditandatangani dengan PHP. Anda dapat mengunduh contoh lengkap ini di https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ AmazonCloudFront DeveloperGuide /latest/ /samples/demo-php.zip.

<?php function rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename) { $signature = ""; // load the private key $fp = fopen($private_key_filename, "r"); $priv_key = fread($fp, 8192); fclose($fp); $pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key); // compute signature openssl_sign($policy, $signature, $pkeyid); // free the key from memory openssl_free_key($pkeyid); return $signature; } function url_safe_base64_encode($value) { $encoded = base64_encode($value); // replace unsafe characters +, = and / with the safe characters -, _ and ~ return str_replace( array('+', '=', '/'), array('-', '_', '~'), $encoded); } function create_stream_name($stream, $policy, $signature, $key_pair_id, $expires) { $result = $stream; // if the stream already contains query parameters, attach the new query parameters to the end // otherwise, add the query parameters $separator = strpos($stream, '?') == FALSE ? '?' : '&'; // the presence of an expires time means we're using a canned policy if($expires) { $result .= $path . $separator . "Expires=" . $expires . "&Signature=" . $signature . "&Key-Pair-Id=" . $key_pair_id; } // not using a canned policy, include the policy itself in the stream name else { $result .= $path . $separator . "Policy=" . $policy . "&Signature=" . $signature . "&Key-Pair-Id=" . $key_pair_id; } // new lines would break us, so remove them return str_replace('\n', '', $result); } function encode_query_params($stream_name) { // Adobe Flash Player has trouble with query parameters being passed into it, // so replace the bad characters with their URL-encoded forms return str_replace( array('?', '=', '&'), array('%3F', '%3D', '%26'), $stream_name); } function get_canned_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $expires) { // this policy is well known by CloudFront, but you still need to sign it, since it contains your parameters $canned_policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' . $video_path . '","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":'. $expires . '}}}]}'; // the policy contains characters that cannot be part of a URL, so we base64 encode it $encoded_policy = url_safe_base64_encode($canned_policy); // sign the original policy, not the encoded version $signature = rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy, $private_key_filename); // make the signature safe to be included in a URL $encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature); // combine the above into a stream name $stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, null, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id, $expires); // URL-encode the query string characters to support Flash Player return encode_query_params($stream_name); } function get_custom_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $policy) { // the policy contains characters that cannot be part of a URL, so we base64 encode it $encoded_policy = url_safe_base64_encode($policy); // sign the original policy, not the encoded version $signature = rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename); // make the signature safe to be included in a URL $encoded_signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature); // combine the above into a stream name $stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, $encoded_policy, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id, null); // URL-encode the query string characters to support Flash Player return encode_query_params($stream_name); } // Path to your private key. Be very careful that this file is not accessible // from the web! $private_key_filename = '/home/test/secure/example-priv-key.pem'; $key_pair_id = 'K2JCJMDEHXQW5F'; $video_path = 'example.mp4'; $expires = time() + 300; // 5 min from now $canned_policy_stream_name = get_canned_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $expires); $client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $policy = '{'. '"Statement":['. '{'. '"Resource":"'. $video_path . '",'. '"Condition":{'. '"IpAddress":{"AWS:SourceIp":"' . $client_ip . '/32"},'. '"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":' . $expires . '}'. '}'. '}'. ']' . '}'; $custom_policy_stream_name = get_custom_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $policy); ?> <html> <head> <title>CloudFront</title> <script type='text/javascript' src='https://example.cloudfront.net/player/swfobject.js'></script> </head> <body> <h1>Amazon CloudFront</h1> <h2>Canned Policy</h2> <h3>Expires at <?= gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s T', $expires) ?></h3> <br /> <div id='canned'>The canned policy video will be here</div> <h2>Custom Policy</h2> <h3>Expires at <?= gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s T', $expires) ?> only viewable by IP <?= $client_ip ?></h3> <div id='custom'>The custom policy video will be here</div> <!-- ************** Have to update the player.swf path to a real JWPlayer instance. The fake one means that external people cannot watch the video right now --> <script type='text/javascript'> var so_canned = new SWFObject('https://files.example.com/player.swf','mpl','640','360','9'); so_canned.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so_canned.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so_canned.addParam('wmode','opaque'); so_canned.addVariable('file','<?= $canned_policy_stream_name ?>'); so_canned.addVariable('streamer','rtmp://example.cloudfront.net/cfx/st'); so_canned.write('canned'); var so_custom = new SWFObject('https://files.example.com/player.swf','mpl','640','360','9'); so_custom.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so_custom.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so_custom.addParam('wmode','opaque'); so_custom.addVariable('file','<?= $custom_policy_stream_name ?>'); so_custom.addVariable('streamer','rtmp://example.cloudfront.net/cfx/st'); so_custom.write('custom'); </script> </body> </html>

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