Kembangkan runbook dan rencana respons untuk menanggapi insiden di Deteksi dan Respons Insiden - AWSPanduan Pengguna Deteksi Insiden dan Respons

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Kembangkan runbook dan rencana respons untuk menanggapi insiden di Deteksi dan Respons Insiden

Deteksi dan Respons Insiden menggunakan informasi yang diambil dari kuesioner orientasi Anda untuk mengembangkan buku runbook dan rencana respons untuk pengelolaan insiden yang memengaruhi beban kerja Anda. Runbook mendokumentasikan langkah-langkah yang diambil Manajer Insiden saat menanggapi suatu insiden. Rencana respons dipetakan ke setidaknya satu dari beban kerja Anda. Tim manajemen insiden membuat template ini dari informasi yang Anda berikan selama penemuan beban kerja. Rencana respons adalah AWS Systems Manager (SSM) templat dokumen yang digunakan untuk memicu insiden. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang SSM dokumen, lihat AWS Systems Manager Dokumen. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Manajer Insiden, lihat Apa Itu AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager?

Output kunci:

  • Penyelesaian definisi beban kerja Anda pada Deteksi dan Respons AWS Insiden.

  • Penyelesaian alarm, runbook, dan definisi rencana respons tentang Deteksi dan Respons AWS Insiden.

Anda juga dapat mengunduh contoh Runbook Deteksi AWS Insiden dan Respons:

Contoh runbook:

Runbook template for AWS Incident Detection and Response # Description This document is intended for [CustomerName] [WorkloadName]. [Insert short description of what the workload is intended for]. ## Step: Priority **Priority actions** 1. When a case is created with Incident Detection and Response, lock the case to yourself, verify the Customer Stakeholders in the Case from *Engagement Plans - Initial Engagement*. 2. Send the first correspondence on the support case to the customer as below. If there is no support case or if it is not possible to use the support case then backup communication details are listed in the steps that follow. ``` Hello, This is <<Engineer's name>> from AWS Incident Detection and Response. An alarm has triggered for your workload <<application name>>. I am currently investigating and will update you in a few minutes after I have finished initial investigation. Alarm Identifier - <insert CloudWatch Alarm ARN or APM Response Identifier> ``` **Compliance and regulatory requirements for the workload** <<e.g. The workload deals with patient health records which must be kept secured and confidential. Information not to be shared with any third parties.>> **Actions required from Incident Detection and Response in complying** <<e.g Incident Management Engineers must not shared data with third parties.>> ## Step: Information **Review of common information** * This section provides a space for defining common information which may be needed through the life of the incident. * The target user of this information is the Incident Management Engineer and Operations Engineer. * The following steps may reference this information to complete an action (for example, execute the "Initial Engagement" plan). --- **Engagement plans** Describe the engagement plans applicable to this runbook. This section contains only contact details. Engagement plans will be referenced in the step by step **Communication Plans**. * **Initial engagement** AWS Incident Detection and Response Team will add customer stakeholder addresses below to the Support Case. AWS Stakeholders are for additional stakeholders that may need to be made aware of any issues. When updating customer stakeholders details in this plan also update the Backup Mailto links. * ***Customer Stakeholders***: customeremail1; customeremail2; etc * ***AWS Stakeholders***:; tam-team-email; etc. * ***One Time Only Contacts***: [These are email contacts that are included on only the first communication. Remove these contacts after the first communication has gone out. These could be customer paging email addresses such as pager-duty that must not be paged for every correspondence] * ***Backup Mailto Impact Template***: <*Insert Impact Template Mailto Link here*> * Use the backup Mailto when communication over cases is not possible. * ***Backup Mailto No Impact Template***: <*Insert No Impact Mailto Link here*> * Use the backup Mailto when communication over cases is not possible. * **Engagement Escalation** AWS Incident Detection and Response will reach out to the following contacts when the contacts from the **Initial engagement** plan do not respond to incidents. For each Escalation Contact indicate if they must be added to the support case, phoned or both. * ***First Escalation Contact***: [escalationEmailAddress#1] / [PhoneNumber] - Wait XX Minutes before escalating to this contact. * [add Contact to Case / phone] this contact. * ***Second Escalation Contact***: [escalationEmailAddress#2] / [PhoneNumber] - Wait XX Minutes before escalating to this contact. * [add Contact to Case / phone] this contact. * Etc; --- **Communication plans** Describe how Incident Management Engineer communicates with designated stakeholders outside the incident call and communication channels. * **Impact Communication plan** This plan is initiated when Incident Detection and Response have determined from step **Triage** that an alert indicates potential impact to a customer. Incident Detection and Response will request the customer to join the predetermined bridge (Chime Bridge/Customer Provided Bridge / Customer Static Bridge) as indicated in **Engagement plans - Incident call setup**. All backup email templates for use when cases can't be used are in **Engagement plans - Initial engagement**. * 1 – Before sending the impact notification, verify then remove and/or add customer contacts from the Support Case CC based on the contacts listed in the **Initial engagement** Engagement plan. * 2 – Send the engagement notification to the customer based the following Template: (choose one and remove the rest) ***Impact Template - Chime Bridge*** ``` The following alarm has engaged AWS Incident Detection and Response to an Incident bridge: Alarm Identifier - <insert CloudWatch Alarm ARN or APM Response Identifier> Alarm State Change Reason - <insert state change reason> Alarm Start Time - <Example: 1 January 2023, 3:30 PM UTC> Please join the Chime Bridge below so we can start the steps outlined in your Runbook: <insert Chime Meeting ID> <insert Link to Chime Bridge> International dial-in numbers: ``` ***Impact Template - Customer Provided Bridge*** ``` The following alarm has engaged AWS Incident Detection and Response: Alarm Identifier - <insert CloudWatch Alarm ARN or APM Response Identifier> Alarm State Change Reason - <insert state change reason> Alarm Start Time - <Example: 1 January 2023 3:30 PM UTC> Please respond with your internal bridge details so we can join and start the steps outlined in your Runbook. ``` ***Impact Template - Customer Static Bridge*** ``` The following alarm has engaged AWS Incident Detection and Response to an Incident bridge: Alarm Identifier - <insert CloudWatch Alarm ARN or APM Response Identifier> Alarm State Change Reason - <insert state change reason> Alarm Start Time - <Example: 1 January 2023, 3:30 PM UTC> Please join the Bridge below so we can start the steps outlined in your Runbook: Conference Number: <insert conference number> Conference URL : <insert bridgeURL> ``` * 3 - Set the Case to Pending Customer Action * 4 - Follow **Engagement Escalation** plan as mentioned above. * 5 - If the customer does not respond within 30 minutes, disengage and continue to monitor until the alarm recovers. * **No Impact Communication plan** This plan is initiated when an alarm recovers before Incident Detection and Response have completed initial **Triage**. * 1 - Before sending the no impact notification, verify then remove and/or add customer contacts from the Support Case CC based on the contacts listed in the **Engagement plans - Initial engagement** Engagement plan. * 2 - Send a no engagement notification to the customer based on the below template: ***No Impact Template*** ``` AWS Incident Detection and Response received an alarm that has recovered for your workload. Alarm Identifier - <insert CloudWatch Alarm ARN or APM Response Identifier> Alarm State Change Reason - <insert state change reason> Alarm Start Time - <Example: 1 January 2023, 3:30 PM UTC> Alarm End Time - <Example: 1 January 2023, 3:35 PM UTC> This may indicate a brief customer impact that is currently not ongoing. If there is an ongoing impact to your workload, please let us know and we will engage to assist. ``` * 3 - Put the case in to Pending Customer Action. * 4 - If the customer does not respond within 30 minutes Resolve the case. * **Updates** If AWS Incident Detection and Response is expected to provide regular updates to customer stakeholders, list those stakeholders here. Updates must be sent via the same support case. Remove this section if not needed. * Update Cadence: Every XX minutes * External Update Stakeholders: customeremailaddress1; customeremailaddress2; etc * Internal Update Stakeholders: awsemailaddress1; awsemailaddress2; etc --- **Application architecture overview** This section provides an overview of the application/workload architecture for Incident Management Engineer and Operations Engineer awareness. * **AWS Accounts and Regions with key services** - list of AWS accounts with regions supporting this application. Assists Engineers in assessing underlying infrastructure supporting the application. * 123456789012 * US-EAST-1 - brief desc as appropriate * EC2 - brief desc as appropriate * DynamoDB - brief desc as appropriate * etc. * US-WEST-1 - brief desc as appropriate * etc. * another-account-etc. * **Resource identification** - describe how engineers determine resource association with application * Resource groups: etc. * Tag key/value: AppId=123456 * **CloudWatch Dashboards** - list dashboards relevant to key metrics and services * 123456789012 * us-east-1 * some-dashboard-name * etc. * some-other-dashboard-name-in-current-acct ## Step: Triage **Evaluate incident and impact** This section provides instructions for triaging of the incident to determine correct impact, description, and overall correct runbook being executed. * **Evaluation of initial incident information** * 1 - Review Incident Alarm, noting time of first detected impact as well as the alarm start time. * 2 - Identify which service(s) in the customer application is seeing impact. * 3 - Review AWS Service Health for services listed under **AWS Accounts and Regions with key services**. * 4 - Review any customer provided dashboards listed under **CloudWatch Dashboards** --- * **Impact** Impact is determined when either the customer's metrics do not recover, appear to be trending worse or if there is indication of AWS Service Impact. * 1 – Start **Communication plans - Impact Communication plan** * 2 - Start **Engagement plans - Engagement Escalation** if no response is received from the **Initial Engagement** contacts. * 3 - Start **Communication plans - Updates** if specified in **Communication plans** * **No Impact** No Impact is determined when the customer's alarm recovers before Triage is complete and there are no indications of AWS service impact or sustained impact on the customer's CloudWatch Dashboards. * 1 - Start **Communication plans - No Impact Communication plan** ## Step: Investigate **Investigation** This section describes performing investigation of known and unknown symptoms. **Known issue** * *List all known issues with the application and their standard actions here* **Unknown issues** * Investigate with the customer and AWS Premium Support. * Escalate internally as required. ## Step: Mitigation **Collaborate** * Communicate any changes or important information from the **Investigate** step to the members of the incident call. **Implement mitigation** * ***List customer failover plans / Disaster Recovery plans / etc here for implementing mitigation. ## Step: Recovery **Monitor customer impact** * Review metrics to confirm recovery. * Ensure recovery is across all Availability Zones / Regions / Services * Get confirmation from the customer that impact is over and the application has recovered. **Identify action items** * Record key decisions and actions taken, including temporary mitigation that might have been implemented. * Ensure outstanding action items have assigned owners. * Close out any Communication plans that were opened during the incident with a final confirmation of recovery notification.