Gunakan UpdateTimeToLive dengan AWS SDKatau CLI - Amazon DynamoDB

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Gunakan UpdateTimeToLive dengan AWS SDKatau CLI

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanUpdateTimeToLive.


Untuk memperbarui pengaturan Waktu ke Langsung di atas meja

update-time-to-liveContoh berikut memungkinkan Time to Live pada tabel yang ditentukan.

aws dynamodb update-time-to-live \ --table-name MusicCollection \ --time-to-live-specification Enabled=true,AttributeName=ttl


{ "TimeToLiveSpecification": { "Enabled": true, "AttributeName": "ttl" } }

Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Waktu untuk Hidup di Panduan Pengembang Amazon DynamoDB.

SDKuntuk Java 2.x

Aktifkan TTL pada tabel DynamoDB yang ada.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Optional; final TimeToLiveSpecification ttlSpecification = TimeToLiveSpecification.builder() .attributeName(ttlAttributeName) .enabled(true) .build(); final UpdateTimeToLiveRequest request = UpdateTimeToLiveRequest.builder() .tableName(tableName) .timeToLiveSpecification(ttlSpecification) .build(); try (DynamoDbClient ddb = DynamoDbClient.builder() .region(region) .build()) { final UpdateTimeToLiveResponse response = ddb.updateTimeToLive(request); System.out.println(tableName + " had its TTL successfully updated. The request id is " + response.responseMetadata().requestId()); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { System.err.format("Error: The Amazon DynamoDB table \"%s\" can't be found.\n", tableName); System.exit(1); } catch (DynamoDbException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!");

Nonaktifkan TTL pada tabel DynamoDB yang ada.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Optional; final Region region = Optional.ofNullable(args[2]).isEmpty() ? Region.US_EAST_1 : Region.of(args[2]); final TimeToLiveSpecification ttlSpecification = TimeToLiveSpecification.builder() .attributeName(ttlAttributeName) .enabled(false) .build(); final UpdateTimeToLiveRequest request = UpdateTimeToLiveRequest.builder() .tableName(tableName) .timeToLiveSpecification(ttlSpecification) .build(); try (DynamoDbClient ddb = DynamoDbClient.builder() .region(region) .build()) { final UpdateTimeToLiveResponse response = ddb.updateTimeToLive(request); System.out.println(tableName + " had its TTL successfully updated. The request id is " + response.responseMetadata().requestId()); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { System.err.format("Error: The Amazon DynamoDB table \"%s\" can't be found.\n", tableName); System.exit(1); } catch (DynamoDbException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Done!");
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat UpdateTimeToLivedi AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReferensi.

SDKuntuk JavaScript (v3)

Aktifkan TTL pada tabel DynamoDB yang ada.

import { DynamoDBClient, UpdateTimeToLiveCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"; const enableTTL = async (tableName, ttlAttribute) => { const client = new DynamoDBClient({}); const params = { TableName: tableName, TimeToLiveSpecification: { Enabled: true, AttributeName: ttlAttribute } }; try { const response = await client.send(new UpdateTimeToLiveCommand(params)); if (response.$metadata.httpStatusCode === 200) { console.log(`TTL enabled successfully for table ${tableName}, using attribute name ${ttlAttribute}.`); } else { console.log(`Failed to enable TTL for table ${tableName}, response object: ${response}`); } return response; } catch (e) { console.error(`Error enabling TTL: ${e}`); throw e; } }; // call with your own values enableTTL('ExampleTable', 'exampleTtlAttribute');

Nonaktifkan TTL pada tabel DynamoDB yang ada.

import { DynamoDBClient, UpdateTimeToLiveCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"; const disableTTL = async (tableName, ttlAttribute) => { const client = new DynamoDBClient({}); const params = { TableName: tableName, TimeToLiveSpecification: { Enabled: false, AttributeName: ttlAttribute } }; try { const response = await client.send(new UpdateTimeToLiveCommand(params)); if (response.$metadata.httpStatusCode === 200) { console.log(`TTL disabled successfully for table ${tableName}, using attribute name ${ttlAttribute}.`); } else { console.log(`Failed to disable TTL for table ${tableName}, response object: ${response}`); } return response; } catch (e) { console.error(`Error disabling TTL: ${e}`); throw e; } }; // call with your own values disableTTL('ExampleTable', 'exampleTtlAttribute');
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat UpdateTimeToLivedi AWS SDK for JavaScript APIReferensi.

SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)

Aktifkan TTL pada tabel DynamoDB yang ada.

import boto3 def enable_ttl(table_name, ttl_attribute_name): """ Enables TTL on DynamoDB table for a given attribute name on success, returns a status code of 200 on error, throws an exception :param table_name: Name of the DynamoDB table :param ttl_attribute_name: The name of the TTL attribute being provided to the table. """ try: dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb') # Enable TTL on an existing DynamoDB table response = dynamodb.update_time_to_live( TableName=table_name, TimeToLiveSpecification={ 'Enabled': True, 'AttributeName': ttl_attribute_name } ) # In the returned response, check for a successful status code. if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: print("TTL has been enabled successfully.") else: print(f"Failed to enable TTL, status code {response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']}") return response except Exception as ex: print("Couldn't enable TTL in table %s. Here's why: %s" % (table_name, ex)) raise # your values enable_ttl('your-table-name', 'expireAt')

Nonaktifkan TTL pada tabel DynamoDB yang ada.

import boto3 def disable_ttl(table_name, ttl_attribute_name): """ Disables TTL on DynamoDB table for a given attribute name on success, returns a status code of 200 on error, throws an exception :param table_name: Name of the DynamoDB table being modified :param ttl_attribute_name: The name of the TTL attribute being provided to the table. """ try: dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb') # Enable TTL on an existing DynamoDB table response = dynamodb.update_time_to_live( TableName=table_name, TimeToLiveSpecification={ 'Enabled': False, 'AttributeName': ttl_attribute_name } ) # In the returned response, check for a successful status code. if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: print("TTL has been disabled successfully.") else: print(f"Failed to disable TTL, status code {response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']}") except Exception as ex: print("Couldn't disable TTL in table %s. Here's why: %s" % (table_name, ex)) raise # your values disable_ttl('your-table-name', 'expireAt')
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat UpdateTimeToLivedi AWS SDKuntuk Python (Boto3) Referensi. API

Untuk daftar lengkap AWS SDKpanduan pengembang dan contoh kode, lihatMenggunakan DynamoDB dengan AWS SDK. Topik ini juga mencakup informasi tentang memulai dan detail tentang SDK versi sebelumnya.