app2container remote analyze command - AWS App2Container

app2container remote analyze command

Run this command from a worker machine to analyze the specified application on the target application server, and generate a report. The target application server is specified by its IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).


If the command fails, an error message is displayed in the console, followed by additional messaging to help you troubleshoot.

When you ran the init command, if you chose to automatically upload logs to App2Container support if an error occurs, App2Container notifies you of the success of the automatic upload of your application support bundle.

Otherwise, App2Container messaging directs you to upload application artifacts by running the upload-support-bundle command for additional support.


app2container remote analyze --application-id id --target IP/FQDN [--help]

Parameters and options

--application-id id

The application ID (required). After you run the remote inventory command, you can find the application ID in the inventory.json file in one of the following locations:

  • Linux: <workspace>/remote/<target server IP or FQDN>/inventory.json

  • Windows: <workspace>\remote\<target server IP or FQDN>\.app2container-config\inventory.json

--target IP/FQDN

Specifies the IP address or FQDN of the application server targeted for the inventory (required).


Displays the command help.


The remote analyze command creates files and directories on the worker machine for the specified application on the target application server. Each application has its own directory, named for the application ID. Output varies slightly, depending on your application language and the application server operating system.

The application directory contains analysis output and editable application configuration files. The files are stored in subdirectories that match the application structure on the application server.

An analysis.json file is created for the application that is specified in the --application-id parameter. The file contains information about the application found during analysis, and configurable fields for container settings. See Configuring application containers, and choose the platform that your application container runs on for more information about configurable fields, and for an example of what the file looks like.

For .NET applications and Windows services, App2Container detects connection strings and produces the report.txt file. The report location is specified in the analysis.json file, in the reportPath attribute of the analysisInfo section. You can use this report to identify the changes that you need to make in application configuration files to connect your application container to new database endpoints, if needed. The report also contains the locations of other configuration files that might need changes.


Choose the operating system platform tab for the application server or worker machine where you run the command.


The following example shows the remote analyze command with the --target and --application-id parameters and no additional options.

$ sudo app2container remote analyze --target --application-id java-tomcat-9e8e4799 Analysis successful for application java-tomcat-9e8e4799 Next Steps: 1. View the application analysis file at <workspace>/remote/<target server IP or FQDN>/java-tomcat-9e8e4799/analysis.json. 2. Edit the application analysis file as needed. 3. Start the extraction process using the following command: app2container remote extract --target java-tomcat-9e8e4799

The following example shows the remote analyze command with the --target and --application-id parameters and no additional options.

PS> app2container remote analyze --target --application-id iis-smarts-51d2dbf8 Analysis successful for application iis-smarts-51d2dbf8; Next Steps: 1. View the application analysis file at <workspace>\remote\<target server IP or FQDN>/iis-smarts-51d2dbf8/analysis.json. 2. Edit the application analysis file as needed. 3. Start the extraction process using the following command: app2container remote extract --target iis-smarts-51d2dbf8