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app2container upgrade command - AWS App2Container
Halaman ini belum diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda. Minta terjemahan

app2container upgrade command

Run this command to upgrade your existing installation of App2Container.

If a newer version of AWS App2Container will break backwards compatibility with previously generated container artifacts when you do an upgrade, the upgrade command notifies you and requests permission to continue. If you choose to continue with the upgrade, you will be required to restart any ongoing analysis and containerization workflows for your applications.


app2container upgrade [--help]



Displays the command help.


Console output is included in the Examples section for this command.


Choose the operating system platform tab for the application server or worker machine where you run the command.


Run the command shown below to upgrade your existing App2Container for Linux.

$ sudo app2container upgrade Using version 1.0 Version 1.1 available for download Starting Download... Starting Installation... Installation successful!

Run the command shown below to upgrade your existing App2Container for Windows.

PS> app2container upgrade Using version 0.0 Version 2.0 available for download Starting Download... Starting Installation...Installation successful!

Run the command shown below to upgrade your existing App2Container for Linux.

$ sudo app2container upgrade Using version 1.0 Version 1.1 available for download Starting Download... Starting Installation... Installation successful!
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