Undo and redo - AWS Application Composer

Undo and redo

This topic describes the AWS Application Composer console undo and redo features.

For a visual overview of all Application Composer features, see AWS Application Composer console visual overview.

About undo and redo

The undo and redo features are available as buttons on the Application Composer canvas.

  • Undo – Revert the most recent action.

  • Redo – Re-apply the most recently undone action.

You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • UndoControl-Z | Command-Z.

  • RedoControl-Shift-Z | Command-Shift-Z.

The redo feature becomes available when you perform an undo. Once you begin performing new actions, redo becomes unavailable until you perform an undo again.

Undo and redo support

You can undo and redo the following types of actions.

Application design changes in the visual canvas

This includes any modifications that you make to your application through the visual canvas. For example, dragging new resources onto the canvas or connecting resources together.

Application arrangement actions

This includes using the Arrange button or manually arranging a resource or group.

Application template changes

This includes any modifications to your application template from the Template view.

External file changes

When you modify a supported external file from within Application Composer, you can undo and redo these actions. These include changes that you make to external files within the Application Composer visual canvas, Template view, and Resource properties panel.

Application Composer remembers the last 100 actions. You can undo and redo changes up to this amount.

Local IDE support

When using Application Composer with your local IDE, Application Composer won’t undo and redo any actions that you perform in your IDE. We recommend using the undo and redo features within your IDE to manage those actions.

When you use the undo and redo features of your local IDE, Application Composer will reset its memory of recent actions. This makes the Application Composer undo and redo features temporarily unavailable. Application Composer does this to prevent unintended changes that could occur when using multiple undo and redo services at the same time. As you start modifying your application in Application Composer again, the undo and redo features will become available until you use your IDE’s undo and redo features again.