Gunakan AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups dengan AWS SDK atau CLI - EC2 Auto Scaling Amazon

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Gunakan AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups dengan AWS SDK atau CLI

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanAttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups.

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/// <summary> /// Attaches an Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) target group to this EC2 Auto Scaling group. /// The /// </summary> /// <param name="autoScalingGroupName">The name of the Auto Scaling group.</param> /// <param name="targetGroupArn">The Arn for the target group.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public async Task AttachLoadBalancerToGroup(string autoScalingGroupName, string targetGroupArn) { await _amazonAutoScaling.AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsAsync( new AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest() { AutoScalingGroupName = autoScalingGroupName, TargetGroupARNs = new List<string>() { targetGroupArn } }); }

Untuk melampirkan grup target ke grup Auto Scaling

Contoh ini melampirkan grup target yang ditentukan ke grup Auto Scaling yang ditentukan.

aws autoscaling attach-load-balancer-target-groups \ --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg \ --target-group-arns arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067

Perintah ini tidak menghasilkan output.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Elastic Load Balancing dan Amazon Auto EC2 Scaling di Panduan Pengguna Amazon Auto EC2 Scaling.

SDK untuk JavaScript (v3)

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const client = new AutoScalingClient({}); await client.send( new AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsCommand({ AutoScalingGroupName: NAMES.autoScalingGroupName, TargetGroupARNs: [state.targetGroupArn], }), );
SDK untuk Python (Boto3)

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class AutoScalingWrapper: """ Encapsulates Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and EC2 management actions. """ def __init__( self, resource_prefix: str, inst_type: str, ami_param: str, autoscaling_client: boto3.client, ec2_client: boto3.client, ssm_client: boto3.client, iam_client: boto3.client, ): """ Initializes the AutoScaler class with the necessary parameters. :param resource_prefix: The prefix for naming AWS resources that are created by this class. :param inst_type: The type of EC2 instance to create, such as t3.micro. :param ami_param: The Systems Manager parameter used to look up the AMI that is created. :param autoscaling_client: A Boto3 EC2 Auto Scaling client. :param ec2_client: A Boto3 EC2 client. :param ssm_client: A Boto3 Systems Manager client. :param iam_client: A Boto3 IAM client. """ self.inst_type = inst_type self.ami_param = ami_param self.autoscaling_client = autoscaling_client self.ec2_client = ec2_client self.ssm_client = ssm_client self.iam_client = iam_client sts_client = boto3.client("sts") self.account_id = sts_client.get_caller_identity()["Account"] self.key_pair_name = f"{resource_prefix}-key-pair" self.launch_template_name = f"{resource_prefix}-template-" self.group_name = f"{resource_prefix}-group" # Happy path self.instance_policy_name = f"{resource_prefix}-pol" self.instance_role_name = f"{resource_prefix}-role" self.instance_profile_name = f"{resource_prefix}-prof" # Failure mode self.bad_creds_policy_name = f"{resource_prefix}-bc-pol" self.bad_creds_role_name = f"{resource_prefix}-bc-role" self.bad_creds_profile_name = f"{resource_prefix}-bc-prof" def attach_load_balancer_target_group( self, lb_target_group: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Attaches an Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) target group to this EC2 Auto Scaling group. The target group specifies how the load balancer forwards requests to the instances in the group. :param lb_target_group: Data about the ELB target group to attach. """ try: self.autoscaling_client.attach_load_balancer_target_groups( AutoScalingGroupName=self.group_name, TargetGroupARNs=[lb_target_group["TargetGroupArn"]], ) "Attached load balancer target group %s to auto scaling group %s.", lb_target_group["TargetGroupName"], self.group_name, ) except ClientError as err: error_code = err.response["Error"]["Code"] log.error( f"Failed to attach load balancer target group '{lb_target_group['TargetGroupName']}'." ) if error_code == "ResourceContentionFault": log.error( "The request failed due to a resource contention issue. " "Ensure that no conflicting operations are being performed on the resource." ) elif error_code == "ServiceLinkedRoleFailure": log.error( "The operation failed because the service-linked role is not ready or does not exist. " "Check that the service-linked role exists and is correctly configured." ) log.error(f"Full error:\n\t{err}")

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