Performing ad hoc analysis on pro forma costs in AWS Cost Explorer - AWS Billing Conductor

Performing ad hoc analysis on pro forma costs in AWS Cost Explorer

AWS accounts in Billing Conductor billing groups can analyze, forecast, and report pro forma costs in Cost Explorer. The primary account in a billing group can perform these activities for all accounts within the group. If you're using AWS Organizations, management accounts can't analyze, forecast, or report pro forma costs in Cost Explorer.

Billing group managed accounts (billing group members) can see cost and usage data for the billing periods they were members of the billing group, and pro forma data is available. They cannot see historical billable cost and usage data.

  • Billing Conductor managed accounts (billing group members) can see pro forma costs in Cost Explorer.

  • Hourly granularity data is not supported pro forma costs in Cost Explorer.

  • To learn more about core workflows that Cost Explorer supports, see Exploring your data using Cost Explorer in the AWS Cost Management User Guide.

For a list of AWS services that support pro forma costs, see AWS services that support pro forma costs.