Daftar tag yang terkait dengan aliran Kinesis menggunakan SDK AWS - AWSContoh Kode SDK

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Daftar tag yang terkait dengan aliran Kinesis menggunakan SDK AWS

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan bagaimana untuk daftar tag yang terkait dengan aliran Kinesis.


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Kinesis; using Amazon.Kinesis.Model; /// <summary> /// Shows how to list the tags that have been attached to an Amazon Kinesis /// stream. /// </summary> public class ListTags { public static async Task Main() { IAmazonKinesis client = new AmazonKinesisClient(); string streamName = "AmazonKinesisStream"; await ListTagsAsync(client, streamName); } /// <summary> /// List the tags attached to a Kinesis stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Kinesis client object.</param> /// <param name="streamName">The name of the Kinesis stream for which you /// wish to display tags.</param> public static async Task ListTagsAsync(IAmazonKinesis client, string streamName) { var request = new ListTagsForStreamRequest { StreamName = streamName, Limit = 10, }; var response = await client.ListTagsForStreamAsync(request); DisplayTags(response.Tags); while (response.HasMoreTags) { request.ExclusiveStartTagKey = response.Tags[response.Tags.Count - 1].Key; response = await client.ListTagsForStreamAsync(request); } } /// <summary> /// Displays the items in a list of Kinesis tags. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags">A list of the Tag objects to be displayed.</param> public static void DisplayTags(List<Tag> tags) { tags .ForEach(t => Console.WriteLine($"Key: {t.Key} Value: {t.Value}")); } }