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Create code scans in the console

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Create code scans in the console - Amazon CodeGuru Security
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Amazon CodeGuru Security is in preview release and is subject to change.

Amazon CodeGuru Security is in preview release and is subject to change.

This section explains how to create code scans and re-run code scans on revised files in the CodeGuru Security console.

Create a new code scan

The following steps show how to upload your code resources and scan them in the console.

  1. Open the Scans page in the CodeGuru Security console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/security/scans/.

  2. Choose Create new scan.

  3. Choose Choose file and upload the code file you want to scan.

  4. For Scan name, enter a unique name for the scan. If you don’t enter a name, a name will be generated for you with the name of the file, the date, and the time.

  5. Choose Create scan.

  6. Your scan name appears in the Scans panel. Under Scan status, it displays In progress while the scan runs. Once the scan is complete, the status will update to Complete.

    If your scan fails, Scan status says Failed. .

Scan a revised file

The following steps show how to re-run a scan on revised code files. Be sure to select the appropriate scan name and to upload the corrected version of the code you previously scanned to make sure that vulnerabilities are properly tracked across scans.

  1. Choose the scan you want to rerun on the Scans page in the CodeGuru Security console.

  2. Choose Scan revised file on the top right of the page.

  3. Choose Choose file and upload the code file you want to scan. Upload the revised version of the file you previously scanned to make sure that vulnerabilities are properly tracked across scans.

    You can’t edit the scan name when re-running a scan, since the scan name is used to track findings across revisions to a file.

  4. Choose Create scan.

  5. After the scan is complete, select the scan name to view updated scan metrics based on your revised file.

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