Integrate with Amazon Inspector - Amazon CodeGuru Security

Amazon CodeGuru Security is in preview release and is subject to change.

Integrate with Amazon Inspector

Amazon CodeGuru Security is available through Amazon Inspector Lambda code scanning. For more information, see Scanning AWS Lambda functions with Amazon Inspector.


CodeGuru Security only reports critical and high severity vulnerabilities in Lambda code scans with Amazon Inspector. Medium, low, and informational code quality findings are not returned.

The following steps show how to activate AWS Lambda code scanning with Amazon Inspector. After you activate code scanning, code scans are automated and you can view findings in the All findings section in the Amazon Inspector console.

You can also complete these steps on the Integrations page in the CodeGuru Security console. Choose Integrate with Amazon Inspector to get started.

Activate code scanning for Lambda
  1. Open the Amazon Inspector console.

  2. In the navigation bar, choose Account management.

  3. Select the accounts that you want to activate Lambda code scanning in.

  4. Choose Activate, then choose AWS Lambda code scanning.