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Sharing your data with AWS - CodeWhisperer
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CodeWhisperer's features are becoming a part of Amazon Q Developer. Learn more

CodeWhisperer's features are becoming a part of Amazon Q Developer. Learn more

Sharing your data with AWS

When you use CodeWhisperer, AWS may, for service improvement purposes, store data about your usage and content. This page explains how to opt out of sharing that data.

The data that AWS may collect with CodeWhisperer includes your client-side telemetry and your content.

Your content includes the parts of your code that CodeWhisperer uses to generate suggestions, as well as the content of the suggestions themselves. At the professional tier, and for in-console development, CodeWhisperer does not collect your content for service improvement purposes. In-console development includes development in Amazon SageMaker AI Studio, AWS Glue Studio, AWS Lambda console, and AWS Cloud9. The professional tier, in this context, includes the code chat, feature development, and code transformation features of Amazon Q.

Your client-side telemetry quantifies your usage of the service. For example, AWS may track whether you accept or reject a recommendation. Your client-side telemetry does not contain actual code, and does not contain personally identifiable information (PII) such as your IP address.

Opting out of sharing your client-side telemetry

Toolkit for Visual Studio

To opt out of sharing your telemetry data in Toolkit for Visual Studio, use this procedure:

  1. Under Tools, select Options.

  2. Select AWS Toolkit.

  3. Under Toolkit Usage, uncheck the box.


This is a decision for each developer to make inside their own IDE. If you are using CodeWhisperer as part of an enterprise, your administrator will not be able to change this setting for you.

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code
  1. In VS Code, choose the AWS logo from the side of the window. The AWS panel will open.

  2. Under Developer tools choose the gear icon next to CodeWhisperer.

  3. If you are using VS Code workspaces, switch to the Workspace sub-tab. In VS Code, workspace settings override user settings.

  4. In the Settings tab search for aws:telemetry.

  5. Uncheck the box.

This is my image.

This is a decision for each developer to make inside their own IDE. If you are using CodeWhisperer as part of an enterprise, your administrator will not be able to change this setting for you.

AWS Toolkit for JetBrains
  1. In JetBrains, choose AWS Toolkit logo from the side of the window. The AWS panel will open.

  2. Near the AWS Toolkit heading, choose the gear icon.

  3. From the pop-up menu choose Show AWS Settings.

  4. In the Preferences window, under Tools -> AWS, next to Send usage metrics to AWS, uncheck the box.

This is my image.

This is a decision for each developer to make inside their own IDE. If you are using CodeWhisperer as part of an enterprise, your administrator will not be able to change this setting for you.

AWS Cloud 9
  1. From inside your AWS Cloud 9 IDE, choose the AWS Cloud 9 logo at the top of the window, then choose Preferences.

  2. On the Preferences tab choose AWS Toolkit.

  3. Next to AWS: client-side telemetry, toggle the switch to the off position.

AWS Cloud9 IDE preferences window showing AWS Toolkit settings and options.

This setting affects whether or not you share your AWS Cloud 9 client-side telemetry in general, not just for CodeWhisperer.


When you use CodeWhisperer with Lambda, CodeWhisperer does not share your client-side telemetry with AWS.

SageMaker AI Studio
  1. From the top of the SageMaker AI Studio window choose Settings.

  2. From the Settings dropdown, choose Advanced Settings Editor.

  3. In the Amazon CodeWhisperer dropdown, select or deselect the box next to Share usage data with Amazon CodeWhisperer.

Settings panel for Amazon CodeWhisperer with option to share usage data circled.
Amazon EMR Studio
  1. From the top of the Amazon EMR Studio window choose Settings.

  2. From the Settings dropdown, choose Advanced Settings Editor.

  3. Select Amazon CodeWhisperer in the dropdown. Set the value for codeWhispererTelemetry to true or false.

CodeWhisperer settings interface showing options for telemetry and content sharing.
  1. From the top of the JupyterLab window choose Settings.

  2. From the Settings dropdown, choose Advanced Settings Editor.

  3. In the Amazon CodeWhisperer dropdown, select or deselect the box next to Share usage data with Amazon CodeWhisperer.

Settings panel for Amazon CodeWhisperer with options for sharing and enabling features.
AWS Glue Studio Notebook
  1. From the bottom of the AWS Glue Studio Notebook window choose CodeWhisperer.

  2. From the pop-up menu, toggle the switch next to Share telemetry with AWS.


Pausing the sharing of client-side telemetry will be valid only for the duration of the current AWS Glue Studio Notebook.

CodeWhisperer settings panel showing shortcuts and toggles for various features.
Command line

In the command line tool, under Preferences, toggle Telemetry.

CodeWhisperer preferences window with Telemetry option toggled on.

To opt out of sharing your telemetry data in Toolkit for Visual Studio, use this procedure:

  1. Under Tools, select Options.

  2. Select AWS Toolkit.

  3. Under Toolkit Usage, uncheck the box.


This is a decision for each developer to make inside their own IDE. If you are using CodeWhisperer as part of an enterprise, your administrator will not be able to change this setting for you.

Opting out of sharing your content

Toolkit for Visual Studio

At the professional tier, CodeWhisperer does not collect your content.

At the individual tier, to opt out of sharing your content in Visual Studio, use the following procedure.

Bring up the CodeWhisperer options menu one of two ways:

  • Choose the CodeWhisperer icon from the edge of the window, then select Options...

  • Go to Tools -> Options -> AWS Toolkit -> CodeWhisperer

Then toggle Share CodeWhisperer Content with AWS to True or False.

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

At the professional tier, CodeWhisperer does not collect your content.

At the individual tier, to opt out of sharing your content in VS Code, use the following procedure.

  1. In VS Code, choose the AWS logo from the side of the window. The AWS panel will open.

  2. Under Developer tools choose the gear icon next to CodeWhisperer.

  3. If you are using VS Code workspaces, switch to the Workspace sub-tab. In VS Code, workspace settings override user settings.

  4. Uncheck the box near Share CodeWhisperer Content With AWS.

This is my image.
AWS Toolkit for JetBrains

At the professional tier, CodeWhisperer does not collect your content.

To opt out of sharing CodeWhisperer data in JetBrains, use the following procedure.

  1. Make sure you are using the latest version of both JetBrains and the AWS Toolkit.

  2. In JetBrains, open Preferences (on a Mac, this will be under Settings).

  3. In the Preferences window, under Tools, under AWS, select CodeWhisperer.

    The CodeWhisperer preferences pane will open on the right.

  4. In the CodeWhisperer preferences pane, deselect Share CodeWhisperer content with AWS.

Options for sharing CodeWhisperer data in VS Code.
AWS Cloud 9

When you use CodeWhisperer with AWS Cloud 9, CodeWhisperer does not share your content with AWS.


The AWS Cloud 9 settings do contain a toggle switch for sharing CodeWhisperer content with AWS. But that switch is non-functional.


When you use CodeWhisperer with Lambda, CodeWhisperer does not share your content with AWS.

SageMaker AI Studio

When you use CodeWhisperer with SageMaker AI Studio, CodeWhisperer does not share your content with AWS.

Amazon EMR Studio
  1. From the top of the Amazon EMR Studio window choose Settings.

  2. From the Settings dropdown, choose Advanced Settings Editor.

  3. Select Amazon CodeWhisperer in the dropdown. Set the value for shareCodedeWhispererContentWithAWS to true or false.

CodeWhisperer settings interface showing options for application context and user preferences.
  1. From the top of the JupyterLab window choose Settings.

  2. From the Settings dropdown, choose Advanced Settings Editor.

  3. In the Amazon CodeWhisperer dropdown, select or deselect the box next to Share content with Amazon CodeWhisperer.

Settings panel for Amazon CodeWhisperer with option to share content highlighted.
AWS Glue Studio Notebook

When you use CodeWhisperer with AWS Glue Studio Notebook, CodeWhisperer does not share your content with AWS.

Command line

In the command line tool, under Preferences, toggle Share CodeWhisperer content with AWS.

CodeWhisperer preferences window with toggle for sharing content with AWS highlighted.

At the professional tier, CodeWhisperer does not collect your content.

At the individual tier, to opt out of sharing your content in Visual Studio, use the following procedure.

Bring up the CodeWhisperer options menu one of two ways:

  • Choose the CodeWhisperer icon from the edge of the window, then select Options...

  • Go to Tools -> Options -> AWS Toolkit -> CodeWhisperer

Then toggle Share CodeWhisperer Content with AWS to True or False.

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