Updating product and offer details in AWS Data Exchange - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Updating product and offer details in AWS Data Exchange

After you publish a product, you can use the AWS Data Exchange console to edit the product details. You can also edit the product's public or custom offers and change the offer terms. When you update your product's offer terms, subscribers with an active subscription keep their existing offer terms as long as their subscription is active. Subscribers who have chosen auto-renewals use the new offer terms.

Keep the following in mind when you update products:

  • You can't remove or edit a subscription duration in your offers. This ensures that existing subscribers retain the ability to renew. If you no longer want to offer a specific subscription duration, you can unpublish your existing product and then publish a new product. For more information, see Unpublish a product in AWS Data Exchange.

  • You can't remove data sets from a product after it is published, regardless of how many subscribers have subscribed to your product.

  • If you're updating the metered costs for a product that contains APIs:

    • A metered costs price decrease appears immediately on the product detail page for new subscribers.


      If you undo a price decrease for metered costs, you are increasing the price for metered costs. See the following point for more information about metered costs price increases.

    • A metered costs price increase will go into effect on the first day of the month, 90 days after the price increase is submitted for existing subscribers OR upon renewal (whichever is sooner). The email is sent to existing subscribers when the price change is submitted. The price increase appears on the product detail page immediately for new subscribers.


      You submit a metered costs price increase on May 10. Existing subscribers receive an email about the price change. The price increase goes into effect on September 1.


      You can't undo a price increase (because that action decreases the price) before the price increase goes into effect for existing subscribers.

To update a product, data set, or offer details
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Products.

  3. From Products, choose the product you want to update. Make sure its status is Published.

  4. From Product details:

    • If you're editing a public offer, choose the Public offer tab, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the product.

    • If you're editing a private offer, choose the Custom offers tab, choose the option button next to the private offer that you want to edit, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the product.

    1. For products containing APIs with metered costs, in Metered costs – optional, select the option button next to the Type of metered costs that you want to edit, and then choose Edit.

    2. In the Edit metered cost dialog box, update the Price / unit or Description.

    3. Choose Update.

      The updated metered costs appears under Metered costs – optional.

  5. From Data sets, under Sensitive information, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the information.

  6. From Data evaluation, update the data dictionary or sample by selecting the option button next to the data dictionary or sample Name and then choosing Actions. For more information, see Updating a data dictionary in AWS Data Exchange and Updating a sample in AWS Data Exchange.

  7. Configure your offer, depending on the offer type:

    • If your product is a public offer, from Public offer, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the public offer.

    • If your product is a custom offer, from Custom offers, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the custom offer.

    • If your product is a private offer, from Private offers, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the private offer.

  8. Choose Update.