TimestreamSettings - AWS Database Migration Service


Provides information that defines an Amazon Timestream endpoint.



Database name for the endpoint.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Set this attribute to specify the default magnetic duration applied to the Amazon Timestream tables in days. This is the number of days that records remain in magnetic store before being discarded. For more information, see Storage in the Amazon Timestream Developer Guide.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Set this attribute to specify the length of time to store all of the tables in memory that are migrated into Amazon Timestream from the source database. Time is measured in units of hours. When Timestream data comes in, it first resides in memory for the specified duration, which allows quick access to it.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Set this attribute to true to specify that AWS DMS only applies inserts and updates, and not deletes. Amazon Timestream does not allow deleting records, so if this value is false, AWS DMS nulls out the corresponding record in the Timestream database rather than deleting it.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


Set this attribute to true to enable memory store writes. When this value is false, AWS DMS does not write records that are older in days than the value specified in MagneticDuration, because Amazon Timestream does not allow memory writes by default. For more information, see Storage in the Amazon Timestream Developer Guide.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: