Oracle Bitmap Indexes and PostgreSQL Bitmap - Oracle to Aurora PostgreSQL Migration Playbook

Oracle Bitmap Indexes and PostgreSQL Bitmap

Feature compatibility AWS SCT / AWS DMS automation level AWS SCT action code index Key differences

Two star feature compatibility

No automation


PostgreSQL doesn’t support BITMAP index. You can use BRIN index in some cases.

Oracle Usage

Bitmap indexes are task-specific indexes best suited for providing fast data retrieval for OLAP workloads and are generally very fast for read-mostly scenarios. However, bitmap indexes don’t perform well in heavy DML or OLTP workloads.

Unlike B-tree indexes where an index entry points to a specific table row, a bitmap index stores a bitmap for each index key.

Bitmap indexes are ideal for low-cardinality data filtering where the number of distinct values in a column is relatively small.


Create an Oracle bitmap index.


For more information, see CREATE INDEX in the Oracle documentation.

PostgreSQL Usage

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL doesn’t currently provide a directly comparable alternative for Oracle bitmap indexes.