Guidelines and restrictions for client IP address preservation in Global Accelerator - AWS Global Accelerator

Guidelines and restrictions for client IP address preservation in Global Accelerator

As you prepare for and use client IP address preservation in AWS Global Accelerator, be aware of the following guidelines and restrictions.

When you plan for adding client IP address preservation, be aware of the following:

  • Before you add and begin to route traffic to endpoints that preserve the client IP address, make sure that all your required security configurations, for example, security groups, are updated to include the user client IP address on allow lists.

  • You might see client IP addresses in AWS WAF, instead of Global Accelerator IP addresses. Client IP addresses appear in AWS WAF when you configure Global Accelerator for client IP address preservation and you enable AWS WAF to block connections from your Application Load Balancers that don't come from Global Accelerator.

  • Client IP address preservation is supported in all AWS Regions where Global Accelerator is supported. For a list of supported Regions, see AWS Region availability for AWS Global Accelerator.

When you create a new accelerator, client IP address preservation is enabled, by default, for supported endpoints. The default for client IP address preservation depends on the endpoint type:

  • When you use an internet-facing Application Load Balancer as an endpoint with Global Accelerator, client IP address preservation is enabled by default for new accelerators. You can choose to disable the option when you create the accelerator or by editing the accelerator later.

  • When you use an internal Application Load Balancer or an EC2 instance with Global Accelerator, the endpoint always has client IP address preservation enabled.

  • When you add an Network Load Balancer with security groups as an endpoint in Global Accelerator, client IP address preservation is not enabled by default.

Be aware of the following:

  • Internal Application Load Balancers and EC2 instances always have client IP address preservation enabled. You can't disable the option for these endpoints.

  • When you use the AWS console to create a new accelerator, the option for client IP address preservation is enabled by default for Application Load Balancer endpoints. The option is not enabled by default for Network Load Balancer with security groups endpoints. You can update the option for client IP address preservation for these endpoints at any time after you add it.

  • When you use the AWS CLI or an API action to create a new accelerator and you don't specify the option for client IP address preservation, the following is the default setting for client IP address preservation:

    • Internet-facing Application Load Balancer endpoints have client IP address preservation enabled by default.

    • Network Load Balancer with security group endpoints do not have client IP address preservation enabled by default.

For existing accelerators, you can transition endpoints without client IP address preservation to endpoints that do preserve the client IP address. For example, existing Application Load Balancer endpoints can be transitioned to new Application Load Balancer endpoints. To transition to the new endpoints, we recommend that you move traffic slowly from an existing endpoint to a new endpoint that has client IP address preservation by doing the following:

  • For existing Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer with security groups endpoints, first add to Global Accelerator a duplicate load balancer endpoint that targets the same backends, and make sure that client IP address preservation is enabled for it. Then adjust the weights on the endpoints to slowly move traffic from the load balancer that does not have client IP address preservation enabled to the load balancer with client IP address preservation.

  • For an existing Elastic IP address endpoint, you can move traffic to an EC2 instance endpoint with client IP address preservation. First add an EC2 instance endpoint to Global Accelerator, and then adjust the weights on the endpoints to slowly move traffic from the Elastic IP address endpoint to the EC2 instance endpoint.

For step-by-step transition guidance, see Transitioning endpoints to use client IP address preservation.