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Patch notifications

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Patch notifications - AMS Advanced User Guide
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Beginning February 1, 2025, AMS customers will no longer receive notifications for empty Patch Maintenance Windows in their managed accounts.

The subscribed email addresses (up to five) receive an email similar to the following just before the patch maintenance window start:

Dear Customer, The AMS Patch Maintenance Window THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_NAME was started at: 2020-02-21T12:02:18.196Z. Details: Maintenance Window AccountId: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID Maintenance Window Region: YOUR_ACCOUNT_REGION Maintenance Window Id: THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_ID Maintenance Window Name: THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_NAME Maintenance Window Description: MaintenanceWindow for patching patch Group PATCH_GROUP_NAME Maintenance Window Patch Group: PATCH_GROUP_NAME Maintenance Window ExecutionId: THE_EXECUTION_ID Targets: InstanceId InstanceName StackId ------------------- -------------- ----------------------- THE_INSTANCE_ID THE_INSTANCE_NAME THE_STACK_NAME A follow-up message with a detailed report is sent as soon as the maintenance window is over. Please raise a service request if you have any inquires about AMS Patch Orchestrator by following this URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/managedservices/servicerequest/new Kind Regards, Amazon Web Services Amazon Managed Services Patch Team

At the end of the patch activity, the subscribed email addresses receive an email similar to the following:

Dear Customer, The AMS Patch Maintenance Window THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_NAME ended at: 2020-02-21T12:03:20.058Z, with status: SUCCESS. Details: Maintenance Window AccountId: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID Maintenance Window Region: YOUR_ACCOUNT_REGION Maintenance Window Id: THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_ID Maintenance Window Name: THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_NAME Maintenance Window Description: MaintenanceWindow for patching patch Group PATCH_GROUP_NAME Maintenance Window Patch Group: PATCH_GROUP_NAME Maintenance Window ExecutionId: THE_EXECUTION_ID Targets: RfcId InstanceId InstanceName StackId Status ----------------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------- -------- THE_RFC_ID THE_INSTANCE_ID THE_INSTANCE_NAME THE_STACK_NAME STATUS You can view the current Patch Compliance of your Amazon EC2 Instances by following this URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/compliance?region=YOUR_ACCOUNT_REGION Please raise an Incident if an issue is impacting one of your production applications by following this URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/managedservices/incident/new Kind Regards, Amazon Web Services Amazon Managed Services Patch Team

Every 96 hours AMS patching system identifies all upcoming patch managed maintenance windows within that 96 hours and sends a reminder notification to all subscribed email addresses that fall within that 96 hour window. This could be as little as one hours before the window, or the full 96 hours. For example:

Dear Customer, The AMS Patch Maintenance Window THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_NAME will start at: 2020-05-06T16:35:36.523Z. Details: Maintenance Window AccountId: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID Maintenance Window Region: YOUR_ACCOUNT_REGION Maintenance Window Id: THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_ID Maintenance Window Name: THE_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_NAME Maintenance Window Description: MaintenanceWindow for patching patch Group PATCH_GROUP_NAME Maintenance Window Patch Group: PATCH_GROUP_NAME Maintenance Window Next Start Time: 2020-05-06T16:35:36.523Z Maintenance Window Schedule: rate(24 hours) Maintenance Window Timezone: THE_TIMEZONE At this time, these are the instances in the "PATCH_GROUP_NAME" Patch Group: InstanceId InstanceName StackId InstanceState ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE_INSTANCE_ID THE_INSTANCE_NAME THE_STACK_NAME running/stopped THE_INSTANCE_ID THE_INSTANCE_NAME THE_STACK_NAME running/stopped THE_INSTANCE_ID THE_INSTANCE_NAME THE_STACK_NAME running/stopped A notification message is sent as soon as the maintenance window starts. You can view the current Patch Compliance of your Amazon EC2 Instances by following this URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/compliance?region=YOUR_ACCOUNT_REGION If you would like to disable this maintenance window or you have inquires about the AMS Patch Orchestrator click on the following URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/managedservices/servicerequest/new If you would like to delete this maintenance window, you can run the CT with id "ct-0q0bic0ywqk6c" against the stack id "stack-rctyznutkyj4tkkzq". Kind Regards, Amazon Web Services Amazon Managed Services Patch Team
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