Adding standard outputs to a MediaConnect flow - AWS Elemental MediaConnect

Adding standard outputs to a MediaConnect flow

For transport stream flows, you can add up to 50 outputs. However, for optimal performance, follow the guidance offered in Best practices. A standard output goes to any destination that is not part of a virtual private cloud (VPC) that you created using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.


CDI flows don't support standard outputs.

To add a standard output to a flow (console)
  1. Open the MediaConnect console at

  2. On the Flows page, choose the name of the flow that you want to add an output to.

    The details page for that flow appears.

  3. Choose the Outputs tab.

  4. Choose Add output.

  5. For Name, specify a name for your output. This value is an identifier that is visible only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console and is not visible to the end user.

  6. For Output type, choose Standard output.

  7. For Description, enter a description that will remind you later where this output is going. This might be the company name or notes about the setup.

  8. Determine which protocol you want to use for the output.

  9. For specific instructions based on the protocol that you want to use, choose one of the following tabs:

    1. For Protocol, choose RIST.

    2. For IP address, choose the IP address where you want to send the output.

    3. For Port, choose the port that you want to use when the content is distributed to this output. For more information about ports, see Output destinations.


      The RIST protocol requires one additional port for error correction. To accommodate this requirement, AWS Elemental MediaConnect reserves the port that is +1 from the port that you specify. For example, if you specify port 4000 for the output, the service assigns ports 4000 and 4001.

    4. For Smoothing latency, specify the additional delay that you want to use with output smoothing. We recommend that you specify a value of 0 ms to disable smoothing. However, if the receiver can't process the stream properly, specify a value between 100 and 1,000 ms. This way, AWS Elemental MediaConnect attempts to correct jitter from the flow source. If you keep this field blank, the service uses the default value of 0 ms.

    RTP or RTP-FEC
    1. For Protocol, choose RTP or RTP-FEC.

    2. For IP address, choose the IP address where you want to send the output.

    3. For Port, choose the port that you want to use when the content is distributed to this output. For more information about ports, see Output destinations.


      The RTP-FEC protocol requires two additional ports for error correction. To accommodate this requirement, AWS Elemental MediaConnect reserves the ports that are +2 and +4 from the port that you specify. For example, if you specify port 4000 for the output, the service assigns ports 4000, 4002, and 4004.

    4. For Smoothing latency, specify the additional delay that you want to use with output smoothing. We recommend that you specify a value of 0 ms to disable smoothing. However, if the receiver can't process the stream properly, specify a value between 100 and 1,000 ms. This way, AWS Elemental MediaConnect attempts to correct jitter from the flow source. If you keep this field blank, the service uses the default value of 0 ms.

    SRT listener
    1. For Name, specify a name for your source. This value is an identifier that is visible only on the MediaConnect console. It is not visible to anyone outside of the current AWS account.

    2. For Protocol, choose SRT listener.

    3. For Minimum latency, specify the minimum size of the buffer (delay) that you want the service to maintain. A higher latency value means a longer delay in transmitting the stream, but more room for error correction. A lower latency value means a shorter delay, but less room for error correction. You can choose a value from 10–15,000 ms. If you keep this field blank, MediaConnect uses the default value of 2,000 ms.

      The SRT protocol uses a minimum latency configuration on each side of the connection. The larger of these two values is used as the recovery latency. If the transmitted bitrate, multiplied by the recovery latency, is higher than the receiver buffer, the buffer will overflow and the stream can fail with a Buffer Overflow Error. On the SRT receiver side, the receiver buffer is configured by the SRTO_RCVBUF value. The size of the receiver buffer is limited by the flow control window size (SRTO_FC) value. On the MediaConnect side, the receiver buffer is calculated as the maximum bitrate value multiplied by the minimum latency value. For more information about the SRT buffer, see the SRT Configuration Guidelines.

    4. For CIDR allow list, specify a range of IP addresses that are allowed to view content from your output. Format the IP addresses as a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block, for example, For more information about CIDR notation, see RFC 4632.


      Specify a CIDR block that is as precise as possible. Include only the IP addresses that you want to contribute content to your flow. If you specify a CIDR block that is too wide, it allows for the possibility of outside parties sending content to your flow.

    5. For Port, choose the port that you want to use when the content is distributed to this output. For more information about ports, see Output destinations.

    6. If you want to encrypt the video as it is sent to this output, do the following:

      1. In the Encryption section, choose Enable.

      2. Encryption type will not be selectable. srt-password is the only available encryption for this protocol.

      3. For Role ARN, specify the ARN of the role that you created when you set up encryption.

      4. For Secret ARN, specify the ARN that AWS Secrets Manager assigned when you created the secret to store the SRT password.

    SRT caller
    1. For Protocol, choose SRT-caller.

    2. For Minimum latency, specify the minimum size of the buffer (delay) that you want the service to maintain. A higher latency value means a longer delay in transmitting the stream, but more room for error correction. A lower latency value means a shorter delay, but less room for error correction. You can choose a value from 10–15,000 ms. If you keep this field blank, MediaConnect uses the default value of 2,000 ms.

      The SRT protocol uses a minimum latency configuration on each side of the connection. The larger of these two values is used as the recovery latency. If the transmitted bitrate, multiplied by the recovery latency, is higher than the receiver buffer, the buffer will overflow and the stream can fail with a Buffer Overflow Error. On the SRT receiver side, the receiver buffer is configured by the SRTO_RCVBUF value. The size of the receiver buffer is limited by the flow control window size (SRTO_FC) value. On the MediaConnect side, the receiver buffer is calculated as the maximum bitrate value multiplied by the minimum latency value. For more information about the SRT buffer, see the SRT Configuration Guidelines.

    3. For Destination IP address, enter the IP address or domain of the output's destination.

    4. For Port, choose the port that you want to use when the content is distributed to this output. For more information about ports, see Output destinations.

    5. If you want to encrypt the video as it is sent to this output, do the following:

      1. In the Encryption section, choose Enable.

      2. Encryption type will not be selectable. Srt-password is the only available encryption for this protocol.

      3. For Role ARN, specify the ARN of the role that you created when you set up encryption.

      4. For Secret ARN, specify the ARN that AWS Secrets Manager assigned when you created the secret to store the SRT password.

    1. For Protocol, choose Fujitsu-QoS.

    2. For Port, choose the port on which to exchange control packets with the receiver. For more information about ports, see Output destinations.

    3. For CIDR allow list, specify a range of IP addresses that are allowed to view content from your output. Format the IP addresses as a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block, for example, For more information about CIDR notation, see RFC 4632.


      Specify a CIDR block that is as precise as possible. Include only the IP addresses that you want to contribute content to your flow. If you specify a CIDR block that is too wide, it allows for the possibility of outside parties sending content to your flow.

    Zixi pull
    1. For Protocol, choose Zixi pull.

    2. For Stream ID, enter the Stream value that was configured when you added the input on the Zixi receiver. In the Zixi receiver, this value is found in the Stream parameters section.


      If you keep this field blank, the service uses the output name as the stream ID. Because the stream ID must match the value that is set in the Zixi receiver, you must specify the stream ID if it is not exactly the same as the output name.

    3. For Remote ID, enter the ID value that is assigned to the Zixi receiver. In the Zixi receiver, this value is located in the General settings menu and is labelled ID. The ID value can also be found on the Zixi receiver Status page.

    4. For Maximum latency, specify the size of the buffer (delay) that you want the service to maintain. A higher latency value means a longer delay in transmitting the stream, but more room for error correction. A lower latency value means a shorter delay, but less room for error correction. You can choose a value between 0 and 60,000 ms. If you keep this field blank, the service uses the latency that is set in the receiver.

    5. For CIDR allow list, specify a range of IP addresses that are allowed to retrieve content from your source. Format the IP addresses as a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block, for example, For more information about CIDR notation, see RFC 4632.


      To specify an additional CIDR block, choose Add. You can specify up to three CIDR blocks.

    6. If you want to encrypt the video as it is sent to this output, do the following:

      1. In the Encryption section, choose Enable.

      2. For Encryption type, choose Static key.

      3. For Role ARN, specify the ARN of the role that you created when you set up encryption.

      4. For Secret ARN, specify the ARN that AWS Secrets Manager assigned when you created the secret to store the encryption key.

      5. For Encryption algorithm, choose the type of encryption that you want to use to encrypt the source.

    Zixi push
    1. For Protocol, choose Zixi push.

    2. For IP address, choose the IP address where you want to send the output.

    3. For Port, choose the port that you want to use when the content is distributed to this output. For more information about ports, see Output destinations.

    4. For Stream ID, enter the stream ID that is set in the Zixi receiver.


      If you keep this field blank, the service uses the output name as the stream ID. Because the stream ID must match the value set in the Zixi receiver, you must specify the stream ID if it is not exactly the same as the output name.

    5. For Maximum latency, specify the size of the buffer (delay) that you want the service to maintain. A higher latency value means a longer delay in transmitting the stream, but more room for error correction. A lower latency value means a shorter delay, but less room for error correction. You can choose a value between 0 and 60,000 ms. If you keep this field blank, the service uses the default value of 6,000 ms.

    6. If you want to encrypt the video as it is sent to this output, do the following:

      1. In the Encryption section, choose Enable.

      2. For Encryption type, choose Static key.

      3. For Role ARN, specify the ARN of the role that you created when you set up encryption.

      4. For Secret ARN, specify the ARN that AWS Secrets Manager assigned when you created the secret to store the encryption key.

      5. For Encryption algorithm, choose the type of encryption that you want to use to encrypt the source.

  10. Choose Add output.

To add an output to a flow (AWS CLI)
  1. Create a JSON file that contains the details of the output that you want to add to the flow.

    The following example shows the structure for the contents of the file:

    { "FlowArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:flow:1-23aBC45dEF67hiJ8-12AbC34DE5fG:BasketballGame", "Outputs": [ { "Description": "RTP-FEC Output", "Destination": "", "Name": "RTPOutput", "Port": 5020, "Protocol": "rtp-fec", "SmoothingLatency": 100 } ] }
  2. In the AWS CLI, use the add-flow-output command:

    aws mediaconnect add-flow-outputs --flow-arn "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:flow:1-23aBC45dEF67hiJ8-12AbC34DE5fG:BasketballGame" --cli-input-json file://addFlowOutput.txt --region us-west-2

    The following example shows the return value:

    { "FlowArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:flow:1-23aBC45dEF67hiJ8-12AbC34DE5fG:BasketballGame", "Outputs": [ { "Name": "RTPOutput", "Port": 5020, "Transport": { "SmoothingLatency": 100, "Protocol": "rtp-fec" }, "Destination": "", "OutputArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:output:2-3aBC45dEF67hiJ89-c34de5fG678h:RTPOutput", "Description": "RTP-FEC Output" } ] }