Tracking migration updates - AWS Migration Hub

Tracking migration updates

To better understand how Migration Hub helps you monitor the progress of a migration, there are three concepts to understand in Migration Hub:

  • Applications

  • Resources (for example, servers)

  • Updates

Migration tools like AWS Application Migration Service (Application Migration Service), AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS), and integrated partners' tools send updates to AWS Migration Hub. These updates include information about how a particular resource migration (for example, server or database) is progressing. One or more resources are grouped together to make an application. Each application has a dedicated page in Migration Hub where you can see the updates for all the resources in the application.

When Migration Hub receives an update, it is displayed on the updates page. There can be a delay of up to five minutes for the initial update to appear in the updates page.

Tracking when you perform discovery first and then migrate

If you started performing discovery using AWS discovery tools, the servers list will likely be populated before you start migrating. Migration Hub attempts to automatically map updates from migration tools to servers in the servers list. If it cannot find a match in the discovered servers list, then Migration Hub will add a server corresponding to the migration update to the servers list and automatically map the update to the server.

Sometimes, when using AWS discovery tools, the automatic mapping of migration updates to servers can be incorrect. You can see updates and their mappings on the Updates page and can correct the mapping by choosing Edit.

See Step 2.a in To determine if a migration update must be manually mapped to a discovered server procedures below. If you have to frequently correct mappings after performing discovery, contact AWS Support.

To determine if a migration update must be manually mapped to a discovered server
  1. In the navigation pane, under Migrate, select Updates.

  2. Verify if the Mapped servers column is populated for every row of migration updates.

    1. If the Mapped servers column is populated for every row of migration updates, this means auto-mapping was supported by the migration tool and manual mapping is not required. To edit the server mapping, select the server, and then choose Edit server mapping.

    2. If one or more rows of the Mapped servers columns is not populated, this is an indication that manual mapping is required. Proceed to the next set of procedures.

Tracking when you migrate without performing discovery

If you did not perform discovery with an AWS discovery tool, then Migration Hub will add to the servers list a server that corresponds to the migration update, and automatically map the update to the server. You can group servers as applications and then start tracking the migration on the application’s details page in the Migrate section of the console. For more information, see Step 3: Group servers as applications and Track the status of your migrations in Migration Hub.

Troubleshooting and manually mapping migration updates

You can verify that the migration update is mapped to a server by viewing the update on the Updates page. If a server has not been mapped to a migration and you just started the migration task, see if it appears as mapped after waiting five minutes and refreshing the page.

If after an initial wait of five minutes the update is still not mapped to a server, then you can manually map the update to a server by selecting the Map button. For more information, see the following procedure, To manually map a migration update to a discovered server. For officially supported migration tools, you should not need to manually map migration updates. If this happens frequently, please contact AWS Support.

The following steps show you how to manually map a migration update to a discovered server that couldn't be automapped.

To manually map a migration update to a discovered server
  1. In the navigation pane, under Migrate, select Updates.

  2. For each migration update row that has a Map button present in the Action column, select the Map button.

  3. In the Map to discovered server box, select the radio button of the server you want to map to the migration update.

  4. Choose Save. A green confirmation message appears at the top of the screen.

  5. Verify that the server name of the server you just mapped is now present in the Mapped servers column.