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Suricata compatible rule strings in AWS Network Firewall

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Suricata compatible rule strings in AWS Network Firewall - AWS Network Firewall
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When you use this rule group type, you provide match and action settings in a string, in a Suricata compatible specification. Your specification fully defines what the stateful rules engine looks for in a traffic flow and the action to take on the packets in a flow that matches the inspection criteria.

All rule groups have the common settings that are defined at Common rule group settings in AWS Network Firewall.

You can provide your Suricata compatible specification to Network Firewall in rules strings or files, depending on how you're accessing Network Firewall.

  • Console – In the AWS Management Console, provide the rules string in the text box that appears for the stateful rule group option Import Suricata compatible rules. For information about using the console to manage your rule group, see Creating a stateful rule group.

  • API – Through the API, you can provide either the rules or the name of the file that contains the rules. In a file, Suricata compatible rules are usually written one rule per line.

    You provide either the file or the rules string in the RulesString field within the RuleGroup structure when you create or update the rule group. For information, see CreateRuleGroup in the AWS Network Firewall API Reference.

  • CLI – Through the CLI, you can provide the rules, the name of a file that contains the rules, or the name of a file that contains the rule group structure in JSON format, with the rules defined in that.

    The following listing shows the syntax for providing the rules in a file. To use a command like this, substitute in your new rule group name, its calculated capacity, and the JSON rules file name.

    aws network-firewall create-rule-group --rule-group-name <ruleGroupName> --capacity <capacityCalculation> --type STATEFUL --rules <rules file name>
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