AWS Cloud WAN global and core network dashboards - AWS Network Manager

AWS Cloud WAN global and core network dashboards

AWS Cloud WAN provides two dashboards, a global network dashboard and a core network dashboard. Each dashboard is composed sub-dashboards that allow you to view details about your global and core networks.

Cloud WAN global network dashboards

The AWS Cloud WAN console uses dashboard visualizations to help you view and monitor all aspects of your global and core networks. The following list describes just a few of the things you can do with Cloud WAN global network dashboards:

  • View world maps that pinpoint where your network resources are located, including edge locations, devices, and attachments,

  • Monitor data using CloudWatch Events to track 15-months' worth of statistics, giving you a better perspective on how your networks are performing.

  • Track real-time global network events.

  • View topological and logical diagrams of your global network topology.

  • View network routes and sharing.

For the steps to access and use the Cloud WAN global network dashboards, see Access AWS Cloud WAN global network dashboards.

Cloud WAN core network dashboards

The AWS Cloud WAN console provides a dashboard where you can visualize and monitor your core network. It includes information about the resources in your core network, including geographic locations and edge locations, You can also view and monitor CloudWatch metrics. The following topics describe the different core network dashboards on the Network Manager console. T he following list describes just a few of the things you can do with Cloud WAN global network dashboards:

  • View world maps that pinpoint where your core network edge locations, segments, devices, sites, or network function groups are located.

  • Viewing shared network resources.

  • Topological graphs and trees displaying your core network topology.

  • Track real-time core network events.

  • Set monitor alarms on core network metrics using Amazon CloudWatch.

For the steps to use the Cloud WAN core network dashboards see Access Cloud WAN core network dashboards.