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FaceDetail - Amazon Rekognition
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Structure containing attributes of the face that the algorithm detected.

A FaceDetail object contains either the default facial attributes or all facial attributes. The default attributes are BoundingBox, Confidence, Landmarks, Pose, and Quality.

GetFaceDetection is the only Amazon Rekognition Video stored video operation that can return a FaceDetail object with all attributes. To specify which attributes to return, use the FaceAttributes input parameter for StartFaceDetection. The following Amazon Rekognition Video operations return only the default attributes. The corresponding Start operations don't have a FaceAttributes input parameter:

  • GetCelebrityRecognition

  • GetPersonTracking

  • GetFaceSearch

The Amazon Rekognition Image DetectFaces and IndexFaces operations can return all facial attributes. To specify which attributes to return, use the Attributes input parameter for DetectFaces. For IndexFaces, use the DetectAttributes input parameter.



The estimated age range, in years, for the face. Low represents the lowest estimated age and High represents the highest estimated age.

Type: AgeRange object

Required: No


Indicates whether or not the face has a beard, and the confidence level in the determination.

Type: Beard object

Required: No


Bounding box of the face. Default attribute.

Type: BoundingBox object

Required: No


Confidence level that the bounding box contains a face (and not a different object such as a tree). Default attribute.

Type: Float

Valid Range: Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 100.

Required: No


The emotions that appear to be expressed on the face, and the confidence level in the determination. The API is only making a determination of the physical appearance of a person's face. It is not a determination of the person’s internal emotional state and should not be used in such a way. For example, a person pretending to have a sad face might not be sad emotionally.

Type: Array of Emotion objects

Required: No


Indicates the direction the eyes are gazing in, as defined by pitch and yaw.

Type: EyeDirection object

Required: No


Indicates whether or not the face is wearing eye glasses, and the confidence level in the determination.

Type: Eyeglasses object

Required: No


Indicates whether or not the eyes on the face are open, and the confidence level in the determination.

Type: EyeOpen object

Required: No


FaceOccluded should return "true" with a high confidence score if a detected face’s eyes, nose, and mouth are partially captured or if they are covered by masks, dark sunglasses, cell phones, hands, or other objects. FaceOccluded should return "false" with a high confidence score if common occurrences that do not impact face verification are detected, such as eye glasses, lightly tinted sunglasses, strands of hair, and others.

Type: FaceOccluded object

Required: No


The predicted gender of a detected face.

Type: Gender object

Required: No


Indicates the location of landmarks on the face. Default attribute.

Type: Array of Landmark objects

Required: No


Indicates whether or not the mouth on the face is open, and the confidence level in the determination.

Type: MouthOpen object

Required: No


Indicates whether or not the face has a mustache, and the confidence level in the determination.

Type: Mustache object

Required: No


Indicates the pose of the face as determined by its pitch, roll, and yaw. Default attribute.

Type: Pose object

Required: No


Identifies image brightness and sharpness. Default attribute.

Type: ImageQuality object

Required: No


Indicates whether or not the face is smiling, and the confidence level in the determination.

Type: Smile object

Required: No


Indicates whether or not the face is wearing sunglasses, and the confidence level in the determination.

Type: Sunglasses object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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