AwsGuardDutyDetectorDataSourcesDetails - AWS Security Hub


Describes which data sources are activated for the detector.



An object that contains information on the status of CloudTrail as a data source for the detector.

Type: AwsGuardDutyDetectorDataSourcesCloudTrailDetails object

Required: No


An object that contains information on the status of DNS logs as a data source for the detector.

Type: AwsGuardDutyDetectorDataSourcesDnsLogsDetails object

Required: No


An object that contains information on the status of VPC Flow Logs as a data source for the detector.

Type: AwsGuardDutyDetectorDataSourcesFlowLogsDetails object

Required: No


An object that contains information on the status of Kubernetes data sources for the detector.

Type: AwsGuardDutyDetectorDataSourcesKubernetesDetails object

Required: No


An object that contains information on the status of Malware Protection as a data source for the detector.

Type: AwsGuardDutyDetectorDataSourcesMalwareProtectionDetails object

Required: No


An object that contains information on the status of S3 Data event logs as a data source for the detector.

Type: AwsGuardDutyDetectorDataSourcesS3LogsDetails object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: