Gunakan ListIdentities dengan AWS SDK atau CLI - Layanan Email Sederhana Amazon

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Gunakan ListIdentities dengan AWS SDK atau CLI

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanListIdentities.

Contoh tindakan adalah kutipan kode dari program yang lebih besar dan harus dijalankan dalam konteks. Anda dapat melihat tindakan ini dalam konteks dalam contoh kode berikut:


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/// <summary> /// Get the identities of a specified type for the current account. /// </summary> /// <param name="identityType">IdentityType to list.</param> /// <returns>The list of identities.</returns> public async Task<List<string>> ListIdentitiesAsync(IdentityType identityType) { var result = new List<string>(); try { var response = await _amazonSimpleEmailService.ListIdentitiesAsync( new ListIdentitiesRequest { IdentityType = identityType }); result = response.Identities; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ListIdentitiesAsync failed with exception: " + ex.Message); } return result; }
  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi Referensi AWS SDK for .NET API.

SDK untuk C++

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//! List the identities associated with this account. /*! \param identityType: The identity type enum. "NOT_SET" is a valid option. \param identities; A vector to receive the retrieved identities. \param clientConfiguration: AWS client configuration. \return bool: Function succeeded. */ bool AwsDoc::SES::listIdentities(Aws::SES::Model::IdentityType identityType, Aws::Vector<Aws::String> &identities, const Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration &clientConfiguration) { Aws::SES::SESClient sesClient(clientConfiguration); Aws::SES::Model::ListIdentitiesRequest listIdentitiesRequest; if (identityType != Aws::SES::Model::IdentityType::NOT_SET) { listIdentitiesRequest.SetIdentityType(identityType); } Aws::String nextToken; // Used for paginated results. do { if (!nextToken.empty()) { listIdentitiesRequest.SetNextToken(nextToken); } Aws::SES::Model::ListIdentitiesOutcome outcome = sesClient.ListIdentities( listIdentitiesRequest); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { const auto &retrievedIdentities = outcome.GetResult().GetIdentities(); if (!retrievedIdentities.empty()) { identities.insert(identities.cend(), retrievedIdentities.cbegin(), retrievedIdentities.cend()); } nextToken = outcome.GetResult().GetNextToken(); } else { std::cout << "Error listing identities. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } } while (!nextToken.empty()); return true; }
  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi Referensi AWS SDK for C++ API.


Untuk mencantumkan semua identitas (alamat email dan domain) untuk akun tertentu AWS

Contoh berikut menggunakan list-identities perintah untuk mencantumkan semua identitas yang telah dikirimkan untuk verifikasi dengan Amazon SES:

aws ses list-identities


{ "Identities": [ "", "" ] }

Daftar yang dikembalikan berisi semua identitas terlepas dari status verifikasi (verifikasi, verifikasi tertunda, kegagalan, dll.).

Dalam contoh ini, alamat email dan domain dikembalikan karena kami tidak menentukan parameter tipe identitas.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang verifikasi, lihat Memverifikasi Alamat Email dan Domain di Amazon SES di Panduan Pengembang Layanan Email Sederhana Amazon.

  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi Referensi AWS CLI Perintah.

SDK untuk Java 2.x

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import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * */ public class ListIdentities { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Region region = Region.US_WEST_2; SesClient client = SesClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); listSESIdentities(client); } public static void listSESIdentities(SesClient client) { try { ListIdentitiesResponse identitiesResponse = client.listIdentities(); List<String> identities = identitiesResponse.identities(); for (String identity : identities) { System.out.println("The identity is " + identity); } } catch (SesException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi Referensi AWS SDK for Java 2.x API.

SDK untuk JavaScript (v3)

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import { ListIdentitiesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const createListIdentitiesCommand = () => new ListIdentitiesCommand({ IdentityType: "EmailAddress", MaxItems: 10 }); const run = async () => { const listIdentitiesCommand = createListIdentitiesCommand(); try { return await sesClient.send(listIdentitiesCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to list identities.", err); return err; } };
  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi Referensi AWS SDK for JavaScript API.

Alat untuk PowerShell

Contoh 1: Perintah ini mengembalikan daftar yang berisi semua identitas (alamat email dan domain) untuk AWS Akun tertentu, terlepas dari status verifikasi.

  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi Referensi AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet.

SDK untuk Python (Boto3)

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class SesIdentity: """Encapsulates Amazon SES identity functions.""" def __init__(self, ses_client): """ :param ses_client: A Boto3 Amazon SES client. """ self.ses_client = ses_client def list_identities(self, identity_type, max_items): """ Gets the identities of the specified type for the current account. :param identity_type: The type of identity to retrieve, such as EmailAddress. :param max_items: The maximum number of identities to retrieve. :return: The list of retrieved identities. """ try: response = self.ses_client.list_identities( IdentityType=identity_type, MaxItems=max_items ) identities = response["Identities"]"Got %s identities for the current account.", len(identities)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't list identities for the current account.") raise else: return identities
  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) Referensi API.

SDK untuk Ruby

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require "aws-sdk-ses" # v2: require 'aws-sdk' # Create client in us-west-2 region # Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES. client = "us-west-2") # Get up to 1000 identities ids = client.list_identities({ identity_type: "EmailAddress" }) ids.identities.each do |email| attrs = client.get_identity_verification_attributes({ identities: [email] }) status = attrs.verification_attributes[email].verification_status # Display email addresses that have been verified if status == "Success" puts email end end
  • Untuk detail API, lihat ListIdentitiesdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.

Untuk daftar lengkap panduan pengembang AWS SDK dan contoh kode, lihatMenggunakan Amazon SES dengan AWS SDK. Topik ini juga mencakup informasi tentang memulai dan detail tentang versi SDK sebelumnya.