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Gunakan SendBulkTemplatedEmail dengan AWS SDK

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Gunakan SendBulkTemplatedEmail dengan AWS SDK - Layanan Email Sederhana Amazon

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanSendBulkTemplatedEmail.

SDK untuk JavaScript (v3)

Ada lebih banyak tentang GitHub. Temukan contoh lengkapnya dan pelajari cara pengaturan dan menjalankannya di Repositori Contoh Kode AWS.

import { SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName, postfix, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; /** * Replace this with the name of an existing template. */ const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("ReminderTemplate"); /** * Replace these with existing verified emails. */ const VERIFIED_EMAIL_1 = postfix(getUniqueName("Bilbo"), "@example.com"); const VERIFIED_EMAIL_2 = postfix(getUniqueName("Frodo"), "@example.com"); const USERS = [ { firstName: "Bilbo", emailAddress: VERIFIED_EMAIL_1 }, { firstName: "Frodo", emailAddress: VERIFIED_EMAIL_2 }, ]; /** * * @param { { emailAddress: string, firstName: string }[] } users * @param { string } templateName the name of an existing template in SES * @returns { SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand } */ const createBulkReminderEmailCommand = (users, templateName) => { return new SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand({ /** * Each 'Destination' uses a corresponding set of replacement data. We can map each user * to a 'Destination' and provide user specific replacement data to create personalized emails. * * Here's an example of how a template would be replaced with user data: * Template: <h1>Hello {{name}},</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> * Destination 1: <h1>Hello Bilbo,</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> * Destination 2: <h1>Hello Frodo,</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> */ Destinations: users.map((user) => ({ Destination: { ToAddresses: [user.emailAddress] }, ReplacementTemplateData: JSON.stringify({ name: user.firstName }), })), DefaultTemplateData: JSON.stringify({ name: "Shireling" }), Source: VERIFIED_EMAIL_1, Template: templateName, }); }; const run = async () => { const sendBulkTemplateEmailCommand = createBulkReminderEmailCommand( USERS, TEMPLATE_NAME, ); try { return await sesClient.send(sendBulkTemplateEmailCommand); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "MessageRejected") { /** @type { import('@aws-sdk/client-ses').MessageRejected} */ const messageRejectedError = caught; return messageRejectedError; } throw caught; } };
SDK untuk JavaScript (v3)

Ada lebih banyak tentang GitHub. Temukan contoh lengkapnya dan pelajari cara pengaturan dan menjalankannya di Repositori Contoh Kode AWS.

import { SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName, postfix, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; /** * Replace this with the name of an existing template. */ const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("ReminderTemplate"); /** * Replace these with existing verified emails. */ const VERIFIED_EMAIL_1 = postfix(getUniqueName("Bilbo"), "@example.com"); const VERIFIED_EMAIL_2 = postfix(getUniqueName("Frodo"), "@example.com"); const USERS = [ { firstName: "Bilbo", emailAddress: VERIFIED_EMAIL_1 }, { firstName: "Frodo", emailAddress: VERIFIED_EMAIL_2 }, ]; /** * * @param { { emailAddress: string, firstName: string }[] } users * @param { string } templateName the name of an existing template in SES * @returns { SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand } */ const createBulkReminderEmailCommand = (users, templateName) => { return new SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand({ /** * Each 'Destination' uses a corresponding set of replacement data. We can map each user * to a 'Destination' and provide user specific replacement data to create personalized emails. * * Here's an example of how a template would be replaced with user data: * Template: <h1>Hello {{name}},</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> * Destination 1: <h1>Hello Bilbo,</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> * Destination 2: <h1>Hello Frodo,</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> */ Destinations: users.map((user) => ({ Destination: { ToAddresses: [user.emailAddress] }, ReplacementTemplateData: JSON.stringify({ name: user.firstName }), })), DefaultTemplateData: JSON.stringify({ name: "Shireling" }), Source: VERIFIED_EMAIL_1, Template: templateName, }); }; const run = async () => { const sendBulkTemplateEmailCommand = createBulkReminderEmailCommand( USERS, TEMPLATE_NAME, ); try { return await sesClient.send(sendBulkTemplateEmailCommand); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "MessageRejected") { /** @type { import('@aws-sdk/client-ses').MessageRejected} */ const messageRejectedError = caught; return messageRejectedError; } throw caught; } };

Untuk daftar lengkap panduan pengembang AWS SDK dan contoh kode, lihatMenggunakan Amazon SES dengan AWS SDK. Topik ini juga mencakup informasi tentang memulai dan detail tentang versi SDK sebelumnya.

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