Step 2: Launch the stack - DevOps Monitoring Dashboard on AWS

Step 2: Launch the stack

Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy the solution into your account. Before you launch the stack, you must complete the prerequisites.


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. For more details, refer to the Cost section in this guide, and refer to the pricing webpage for each AWS service you used in this solution.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and select the button to launch the aws-devops-monitoring-dashboard AWS CloudFormation template.

    AWS DevOps Monitoring Dashboard launch button

    You can also download the template as a starting point for your own implementation.

  2. The template launches in the US East (N. Virginia) Region by default. To launch the solution in a different AWS Region, use the Region selector in the console navigation bar.


    This solution uses services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon Data Firehose and Amazon QuickSight (optional), which are not currently available in all AWS Regions. You must launch this solution in an AWS Region where these services are available. For the most current availability by Region, refer to the AWS Regional Services List.

  3. On the Create stack page, verify that the correct template URL is in the Amazon S3 URL text box and choose Next.

  4. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For information about naming character limitations, refer to IAM and STS quotas in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  5. Under Parameters, review the parameters for this solution template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values:

    Parameter Default Description
    Metrics Configuration
    Athena Query Data Duration (Days)


    Enter a lookback duration (days) that Athena query will use to retrieve data. By default, Athena query retrieves data within the last 90 days. We recommend that you limit the duration for performance optimization and cost reduction.
    AWS CodeCommit Repository List


    List of the names of AWS CodeCommit repositories that will be monitored. Must be single-quoted and comma separated. For example: 'MyRepository1', 'MyRepository2'

    To monitor all the repositories, leave default ALL value.

    S3 Configuration
    S3 Transition Days


    Enter the number of days after which you would like to transition Amazon S3 objects to Amazon S3 Glacier storage class. By default objects are transitioned to Amazon S3 Glacier 365 days (one year) after creation.
    QuickSight Configuration
    Amazon QuickSight Principal ARN <Optional Input> Provide an Amazon QuickSight admin user ARN to automatically create QuickSight resources. Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition must be activated for the account. For example: arn:aws:quicksight:AWSRegion:AWSAccountId:user/default/QuickSightUserName. To deactivate QuickSight dashboards creation, do not enter a value. For more information, refer to Prerequisites Step 2.
    GitHub Configuration
    Use GitHub Repository


    Select Yes if GitHub is used, otherwise leave it as No.

    Webhook Secret Token <Optional Input> Enter a random string with high entropy to authenticate access to webhooks in GitHub. If a webhook request header contains a matching secret, IP address authentication is bypassed. The string cannot contain commas (,,) backward slashes (\\), or quotes (""). We recommend using a secret token to secure your GitHub webhook. To turn off secret authentication, leave it blank. If you enter a secret, you must enter the same secret in your GitHub webhook configuration to avoid failure. For more information, refer to Setting up a webhook. Ignore this field if you are not using GitHub.
    Allowed IP Addresses,,,

    Enter a comma-separated list of allowed IPV4 CIDR blocks. By default, GitHub IP ranges are used. Note that GitHub changes their IP addresses from time to time so we recommend regular monitoring of their API. If API secret is used, IP address authentication is bypassed. Ignore this field if you are not using GitHub.
    Multi-Account Configuration
    Principal Type None

    To turn on the multi-account feature, select AWS Account Number or AWS Organization ID as the principal type of the sharing accounts that data comes from. Leave it as None to turn off the multi-account feature.

    List of AWS Accounts or AWS Organization IDs <Optional Input>

    If you selected List of AWS Accounts, enter a comma-separated list of AWS account numbers, for example, 111111111111,222222222222. If you selected List of AWS Organization IDs, enter a comma-separated AWS Organization IDs, for example, o-xxxxxxxxxx,o-yyyyyyyyyy. Refer to Viewing the details of an organization from the management account for instructions about how to find the Organization Id. Leave it blank if you don't use the multi-account feature.

    Tag Configuration
    Tag Configuration for filtering on CodeCommit Repositories <Optional Input>

    Enter a semicolon-separated list of tags, using a comma as a separator between the tag key and value, for example, env,prod;anotherKey,anotherValue. Omitting a value will result in a filter that captures all values for that tag. This tag is used in an Athena query to find resources with the matching tag, and is used as a data filter in QuickSight dashboard.

    Tag Configuration for filtering on CodeBuild Projects <Optional Input>

    Enter a semicolon-separated list of tags, using a comma as a separator between the tag key and value, for example, env,prod;anotherKey,anotherValue. Omitting a value will result in a filter that captures all values for that tag. This tag is used in an Athena query to find resources with the matching tag, and is used as a data filter in QuickSight dashboard.

    Tag Configuration for filtering on CodePipeline Projects <Optional Input>

    Enter a semicolon-separated list of tags, using a comma as a separator between the tag key and value, for example, env,prod;anotherKey,anotherValue. Omitting a value will result in a filter that captures all values for that tag. This tag is used in Athena query to find resources with the matching tag and is used as data filter in QuickSight dashboard.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. On the Configure stack options page, choose Next.

  8. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources.

  9. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack.

    You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation console in the Status column. You should receive a CREATE_COMPLETE status in approximately 10 minutes.


If you provided an Amazon QuickSight Principal ARN, this solution launches a nested stack to create QuickSight resources into the account you provided. If you selected Yes to GitHub repository, this solution launches a nested stack to create an Amazon API Gateway and other AWS resources required for GitHub integration into the account you provided.