Launch the stack - Media Insights on AWS

Launch the stack

Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy the solution into your account.

Time to deploy: Approximately 10 minutes

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and select the button to launch the media-insights-on-aws-stack.template AWS CloudFormation template.

    Media Insights on AWS launch button

  2. The template launches in the US East (N. Virginia) Region by default. To launch the solution in a different AWS Region, use the Region selector in the console navigation bar.


    This solution uses Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Translate, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Polly, AWS Elemental MediaConvert, and Amazon Rekognition, which are not currently available in all AWS Regions. You must launch this solution in an AWS Region where these services are available. For the most current availability by Region, see the AWS Regional Services List.

  3. On the Create stack page, verify that the correct template URL is in the Amazon S3 URL text box and choose Next.

  4. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For information about naming character limitations, see IAM and STS Limits in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  5. Under Parameters, review the parameters for this solution template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.

    Parameter Default Description
    Max Concurrent Workflows


    Identifies the maximum number of workflows to run concurrently. When the maximum is reached, additional workflows are added to a wait queue. The recommended range is 2 to 5.

    Deploy Analytics Pipeline


    Determines whether to deploy a metadata streaming pipeline that can be consumed by downstream analytics platforms. By default, this capability is activated when the solution is deployed. Set to false to deactivate this capability.
    Deploy Test Resources


    Determines whether to deploy test resources that contain Lambda functions required for integration and end-to-end testing. By default, this capability is deactivated when the solution is deployed. Set to true to activate this capability.
    Turn on X-Ray Trace


    Determines whether to activate Active X-Ray tracing on all entry points to the stack. By default, this capability is deactivated when the solution is deployed. Set to true to activate this capability.
    External Bucket ARN <Optional input> Specify the Amazon S3 Amazon Resources Name (ARN) for media files that Media Insights on AWS needs permission to read as inputs to workflows. Leave blank if the Media Insights on AWS data plane bucket is the only source for media files.
  6. Choose Next.

  7. On the Configure stack options page, choose Next.

  8. On the Review and create page, review and confirm the settings. Select the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS IAM resources.

  9. Choose Submit to deploy the stack.

You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation console in the Status column. You should receive a CREATE_COMPLETE status in approximately 10 minutes.