Cost - Streaming Data Solution for Amazon Kinesis


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. As of this revision, the monthly cost for running this solution with either provided AWS CloudFormation template options, while publishing 100 records per second in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, is described in the following tables.

Prices are subject to change. For full details, refer to the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this solution.

We recommend creating a budget through AWS Cost Explorer to help manage costs. Prices are subject to change. For full details, refer to the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this solution.

Sample cost tables

Option 1: Deploy the AWS CloudFormation template using API Gateway, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and AWS Lambda

The following table provides a cost estimate to deploy the aws-streaming-data-solution-for-kinesis-using-api-gateway-and-lambda AWS CloudFormation template that uses Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (with enhanced monitoring turned off), and AWS Lambda.

Table for Option 1: Cost estimate for running the solution using the CloudFormation template that deploys API Gateway, Kinesis Data Streams, and AWS Lambda

AWS service Dimensions Cost [USD]

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

1 shard

100 records (4 KB) / second

168 hours data retention




Amazon API Gateway

2,678,400 requests / month (1/sec)


Amazon Cognito

100 users / month

Advanced security features added


AWS Lambda

2,678,400 requests / month (1/sec)



$48.06 per month

Option 2: Deploy the AWS CloudFormation template using Amazon EC2, KPL, Kinesis Data Streams, Managed Service for Apache Flink, and CloudWatch

The following table provides a cost estimate to deploy the aws-streaming-data-solution-for-kinesis-using-kpl-and-kinesis-data-analytics AWS CloudFormation template that uses Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), KPL, Kinesis Data Streams, Managed Service for Apache Flink, and Amazon CloudWatch.

Table for Option 2: Cost estimate for running the solution using the CloudFormation template that deploys Amazon EC2, KPL, Kinesis Data Streams, Managed Service for Apache Flink, and CloudWatch

AWS service Dimensions Cost [USD]

Amazon Kinesis Producer Library


EC2 instance (t3.small)

730 hours / month


Kinesis Data Streams

1 shard

100 records (4 KB) / second

168 hours data retention




Managed Service for Apache Flink

1 processing unit

50 GB running application storage



Amazon S3

1 GB storage (Amazon S3 Standard)



$129.73 per month

Option 3: Deploy the AWS CloudFormation template using Kinesis Data Streams, Firehose, and Amazon S3

The following table provides a cost estimate to deploy the aws-streaming-data-solution-for-kinesis-using-kinesis-data-firehose-and-amazon-s3 AWS CloudFormation template that uses Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (with enhanced monitoring turned off), Amazon Data Firehose (with data transformation and dynamic partitioning turned off), and Amazon S3.

Table for Option 3: Cost estimate for running the solution using the AWS CloudFormation template that deploys Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon Data Firehose, and Amazon S3

AWS service Dimensions Cost [USD]

Kinesis Data Streams

1 shard

100 records (4KB) / second

168 hours data retention





100 records (4 KB) / second


Amazon S3

1 GB storage (Amazon S3 Standard)



$65.59 per month

Option 4: Deploy the AWS CloudFormation template using Kinesis Data Streams, Managed Service for Apache Flink, and API Gateway

The following table provides a cost estimate to deploy the AWS CloudFormation template that uses Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Managed Service for Apache Flink, and API Gateway.

Table for Option 4: Cost estimate for running the solution using the AWS CloudFormation template that deploys Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Managed Service for Apache Flink, and API Gateway

AWS service Dimensions Cost [USD]

Amazon Kinesis Replay

EC2 instance (t3.small)

730 hours / month


Kinesis Data Streams

1 shard

100 records (4KB) / second

168 hours data retention




Managed Service for Apache Flink

1 processing unit

50 GB running application storage



API Gateway

2,678,400 requests / month (1/second)



$140.21 per month