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[OA.LS.5] Assemble a cross-functional enabling team that focuses on organizational transformation - DevOps Guidance
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[OA.LS.5] Assemble a cross-functional enabling team that focuses on organizational transformation


To spread knowledge across the organizations and help individual teams adopt DevOps capabilities, create an enabling team with expertise in DevOps culture, practices, and tools. The single-threaded DevOps owner is responsible for creating this team and providing it with the freedom, resources, training, and tools that help them effectively support and guide other teams.This centralized team should collaborate closely with other teams to identify and address barriers to adoption, share best practices, and promote a culture of nearly continuous learning and improvement. 

In many organizations, this team takes the form of the Center of Enablement. While this centralized team is not strictly required for every organization to adopt DevOps, we recommend it due to its potential to streamline and expedite transformation. If leadership chooses not to create a Center of Enablement, they can supplement it by fostering a strong culture of collaboration, sharing, automation, and continuous improvement. With the right support and resources being provided from leadership, teams can work together to establish their own DevOps processes. Use existing tools and resources to support these efforts.

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