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[QA.NT.2] Validate system reliability with performance testing - DevOps Guidance
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[QA.NT.2] Validate system reliability with performance testing


Performance testing evaluates the responsiveness, throughput, reliability, and scalability of a system under a specific load. It helps ensure that the application performs adequately when it is subjected to both expected and peak loads without impacting user experience. Different performance tests should be run based on the nature of changes made to the system:

  • Load testing: Performance tests evaluating the system's behavior under expected load, such as the typical number of concurrent users or transactions. Integrate automated load testing into your deployment pipeline, ensuring every change undergoes validation of system behavior under expected scenarios.

  • Stress testing: Performance tests challenging the system by increasing the load beyond its normal operational capacity. Stress tests identify the system's breaking points, ensuring that even under extreme conditions, the system maintains functionality without abrupt crashes. Schedule stress tests after significant application changes, infrastructure modifications, or periodically—such as once a month—to prepare for unpredictable spikes in traffic or potential DDoS attacks.

  • Endurance testing: Performance tests that monitor system behavior over extended periods of time under a specific load. Endurance tests help ensure that there are no latent issues, such as slow memory leaks or performance degradation, which might occur after prolonged operations. Monitor key performance indicators over time and compare against established benchmarks to identify latent issues. Schedule endurance tests after significant changes to the system, especially those that might introduce memory leaks or other long-term issues. Consider running them periodically—such as quarterly or biannually—to ensure system health over prolonged operations.

All performance tests should be run against a test environment mirroring the production setup. Use tailored performance testing tools for your application's architecture and deployment environment. Regularly analyze test results against historical benchmarks and take proactive measures to counteract performance regressions.

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