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[QA.ST.2] Normalize security testing findings - DevOps Guidance
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[QA.ST.2] Normalize security testing findings


Effective vulnerability management requires clarity and consistency. Given the diversity of security testing tools in a DevOps environment, findings often emerge from different sources and in different formats. This diversity of tooling can introduce confusion and inefficiency into risk management processes.  Having a common framework for normalizing the interpretation and ranking of vulnerabilities from diverse security testing tools provides a systematic approach to risk management and mitigation. Normalization is not just about consistency, it helps ensure that every identified vulnerability is understood, categorized, and managed according to its threat level.

Begin by selecting a recognized scoring system, such as the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), as the baseline for vulnerability ranking. This will provide a universal language for risk assessment and prioritization. Many modern security tools have built-in integrations with popular scoring systems. Configure your tools to automatically map their findings to the chosen system, ensuring uniformity across all results. It is important to periodically review the normalization process, updating it as required and ensuring alignment with industry best practices.

Use tools that can automatically translate findings into the standardized format. Integrations like the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) or OCSF Schema can assist with this. These tools can enable centralizing findings from different sources into a single dashboard or reporting platform to create a unified view of the security posture which can streamline the prioritization and remediation process.

By adopting a systematic approach to normalization, organizations can verify that their response to vulnerabilities is consistent, effective, and aligned with the actual risks posed to the system. Ensure that everyone involved in the security process understands the chosen scoring system and knows how to interpret it. Regular workshops or training sessions can help ensure ongoing alignment.

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