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AWS security management services - Management and Governance Cloud Environment Guide
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AWS security management services

The following AWS services can be used to help you meet the prescribed benefits of the M&G Guide:

AWS Security Hub is a cloud security posture management service that performs security best practice checks, aggregates alerts, and enables automated remediation. AWS Security Hub aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your findings from multiple AWS services as well as from AWS Partner solutions, enabling you to quickly assess the security posture across your AWS accounts. AWS Security Hub runs automated configurations and compliance checks based on open standards, such as CIS Benchmarks, NIST frameworks, and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices.

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continually monitors for malicious activity and unintended behavior to protect your AWS accounts, workloads, and data stored in Amazon S3. Amazon GuardDuty uses machine learning, anomaly detection, and integrated threat intelligence to identify and prioritize potential threats. GuardDuty analyzes tens of billions of events across multiple AWS data sources, such as AWS CloudTrail event logs, Amazon VPC Flow Logs, and DNS logs.

Both AWS Security Hub and Amazon GuardDuty have the concept of an administrator and member account. The administrator account can view the aggregated findings of all member accounts within a Region. You should delegate administration of Security Hub and GuardDuty to the security audit account provisioned by AWS Control Tower.

AWS Security Hub Automated Response and Remediation is a solution that uses AWS Security Hub to provide a ready-to-deploy architecture and a library of automated playbooks. The solution creates an Service Catalog portfolio of predefined security response and remediation actions called playbooks. Individual playbooks are deployed in the Security Hub primary account. Each playbook contains the necessary custom actions, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, Amazon CloudWatch Events, Systems Manager automation documents, AWS Lambda functions, and AWS Step Functions needed to start a remediation workflow within a single AWS account, or across multiple accounts.

Amazon Detective automatically collects log data from your AWS resources and uses machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data that enables you to easily conduct faster and more efficient security investigations.

AWS Control Tower implements centralized logging and audit accounts that use AWS CloudTrail and Amazon CloudWatch. This is done using AWS Config for detective guardrail enablement, and SCPs from AWS Organizations for preventive controls.

AWS Systems Manager allows you to create automated responses to security misconfigurations via specific automation documents, with patch management functions.

Using automated reasoning technology (the application of mathematical logic to help answer critical questions about your infrastructure), AWS is able to identify opportunities to improve your security posture. We call this provable security providing higher assurance in security of the cloud and in the cloud. Automated reasoning capabilities include IAM Access Analyzer, VPC Reachability Analyzer, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon S3 Block Public Access, and Amazon Inspector network reachability.

If you would like support implementing this guidance, or assisting you with building the foundational elements prescribed by the M&G Guide, we recommend you review the offerings provided by AWS Professional Services or the AWS Partners in the Built on Control Tower program.

If you are seeking help to operate your workloads in AWS following this guidance, AWS Managed Services (AMS) can augment your operational capabilities as a short-term accelerator or a long-term solution, letting you focus on transforming your applications and businesses in the cloud.

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