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AWS Service Management Connectors - Management and Governance Cloud Environment Guide
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AWS Service Management Connectors

The M&G Guide recommends using AWS-supplied service management connectors that enable you to access AWS services and features in familiar ITSM tooling, such as ServiceNow and Atlassian. By using your existing service management tools to provide governance, your organization can accelerate its migration and adoption of AWS at scale.

The AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow enables ServiceNow end users to provision, manage, and operate AWS resources natively through ServiceNow. With the connector, ServiceNow administrators can:

  • Provide pre-approved, secured, and governed AWS resources to end users through Service Catalog.

  • Run automation playbooks through AWS Systems Manager.

  • Track resources in the CMDB powered by AWS Config seamlessly on ServiceNow with the AWS Service Management Connector.

  • Define new resource types based on ServiceNow CMDB tables and synchronize these with AWS Config custom resources.

  • Configure syncing AWS Security Hub findings to ServiceNow incidents or problems.

The AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management allows Jira Service Management end users to provision, manage, and operate AWS resources natively through Atlassian's Jira Service Management. Jira Service Management administrators can provide pre-approved, secured, and governed AWS resources to end users through Service Catalog, create and manage operational items through AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter, run automation playbooks through AWS Systems Manager Automation and track resources in a configuration item view powered by AWS Config seamlessly on the Jira Service Management with the AWS Service Management Connector.

If you would like support implementing this guidance, or assisting you with building the foundational elements prescribed by the M&G Guide, we recommend you review the offerings provided by AWS Professional Services or the AWS Partners in the Built on Control Tower program.

If you are seeking help to operate your workloads in AWS following this guidance, AWS Managed Services (AMS) can augment your operational capabilities as a short-term accelerator or a long-term solution, letting you focus on transforming your applications and businesses in the cloud.

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