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Implementation priorities - Management and Governance Cloud Environment Guide
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Implementation priorities

Using a centralized mechanism like AWS Control Tower to create accounts that are pre-configured for compliance can help you adjust to your changing scale needs. Having a multi-account strategy helps raise your security posture with the necessary separation of workloads and networks through logical and physical boundaries. As such, the following controls solutions should be prioritized:

Define a multi-account strategy

AWS recommends that you define a multi-account strategy that considers scale and operational efficiency concerns. This means that you should separate out your workloads into a logical pattern that best meets your operational needs. AWS provides prescriptive guidance that suggests you start with a foundational set of accounts to accommodate centralized and decentralized capabilities in your enterprise. You can centralize governance for distributed and autonomous teams using multiple AWS accounts, which lets you delineate at security, financial, and operational levels.

Start with AWS Control Tower

Enable a landing zone using AWS Control Tower in a new or existing management account. AWS Control Tower creates a secure, multi-account environment with an embedded set of default guardrails. AWS Control Tower automatically enables AWS Config in the AWS Control Tower Regions, with configuration history and snapshots delivered to an Amazon S3 bucket located in a centralized Log Archive account. It also provides the ability to add guardrails for each organizational unit (OU) in your AWS Organization. The landing zone includes a preconfigured security OU with an audit and log archive account provisioned. This includes guardrails to prevent unauthorized changes to the security baseline in your audit account. CloudTrail logs are encrypted (using AWS KMS) and enabled in all provisioned accounts with SCPs to prevent their modification. By default, a sandbox OU is provisioned for your use. Review the best practices for organization unit guidance to determine the multi-account strategy and OU structure that will support your unique enterprise needs.

Separating OUs by regulatory and SDLC environments is a commonly used pattern. Workload OUs are used for accounts that host your AWS resources to support your applications with the right policies applied. AWS Control Tower allows you to allow or deny the use of AWS Regions across your environments.

Review and add preventive and detective controls

AWS Control Tower uses AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) to provide preventive guardrails. SCPs define the guardrails or limits that IAM roles and users can have in the accounts located within the OU. Review the strongly recommended and elective detective guardrails AWS Control Tower provides, and choose which guardrails to apply. Use the AWS Security Foundations best practices in AWS Security Hub to identify controls that apply to your enterprise, and add any specific open standard controls required for your workloads. Create additional preventive controls as required, and group them by OUs to align them to your multi-account strategy.


SCPs have service quotas in the size and number that can be applied. Carefully consider these quotas as you design your controls strategy.

Package your detective controls such that they can be deployed easily as you create or update your accounts. There are a variety of AWS Config Conformance Packs available to apply common sets of AWS Config rules to meet open standards and best practices. For instance, there is a sample pack that includes the Best Practices for the Well-Architected Security Pillar, which can provide a starting list of best practice rules to provision. Use these conformance packs to choose and add further guardrails to your environments.

Annotate and prioritize your detective guardrail findings so that they can be remediated in accordance with your security and compliance frameworks. Use automation to detect out of policy provisioning of resources. In addition, set and measure service level objectives alongside updating your runbooks and playbooks.

Select an aggregated view of your guardrails and findings

Centrally view the resource configuration and compliance data recorded in your observability findings. AWS Security Hub is a security and compliance service that provides security and compliance posture management, as a service. It uses AWS Config and AWS Config rules as its primary mechanism to evaluate the configuration of AWS resources. AWS Config rules can also be used to aggregate and evaluate resource configuration. Other AWS services, such as AWS Control Tower and AWS Firewall Manager, also provide an aggregated view of controls in their console view. Regularly review aggregated views of guardrails to alert you on any deviation of expected controls in your environments.

Create a base foundation of capabilities for each of your accounts

You can provision AWS Control Tower accounts in an automated, batch fashion by calling the Service Catalog APIs. As you provision new accounts, use Customizations for AWS Control Tower to add in a base set of services and functions required for each account. This will include capabilities across each of the eight M&G Guide functions as well as tagging and support information. For example:

From a networking perspective, determine which VPC structure is provisioned and associate it to a central hub-spoke pattern. Add in any necessary network constructs that vary by account type (firewall, NAT gateway, etc.)

For identity management, after Control Tower is configured for single sign-on integrated with your federated user solution, you can provision additional roles and policies. These mighty include permissions boundaries to be distributed to member accounts.

Make sure that your monitoring and observability capabilities are updated as new accounts are provisioned. Workloads should be aligned to the environment logging strategies that describe which logs to locate where, and how to appropriately integrate log aggregation.

You might need to register new accounts with your security tools (SIEM, GuardDuty, Security Hub, etc.), or deploy security capabilities to specific accounts (XDR, CSPM, etc.).

As you create new accounts, it is important to align them with your service and incident management capabilities. New accounts should be integrated with your service management solution using native connectors configured to integrate those solutions with AWS. Update your playbooks and runbooks as appropriate.

Tag policies and tag libraries help create consistent tagging and can be used for common processes including Cloud Financial Management (CFM). Consider distributing new financial guardrails to detect deviations from expected budgets in spoke accounts. Allocate appropriate support levels for each account using the AWS Support API.

Software assets managed in Service Catalog as portfolios can be shared with users in one or more AWS accounts in a hub and spoke pattern. Using Private Marketplace and private offers, curate an assortment of third-party solutions and distribute them alongside your infrastructure as code templates. Define which base set of resources should be directly provisioned or made available as a self-service model in each of your spoke accounts as they are created with solutions such as the Customization Framework for Control Tower.

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